Researcher Page

Hong, Songcheol (홍성철)
명예교수, (전기및전자공학부)
Research Area
RFIC, MMIC, Millimeter wave communication IC, Millimeter wave radar IC
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    Sub-Nyquist Sampling OFDM Radar With a Time-Frequency Phase-Coded Waveform

    Kang, Seonghyeon; Han, Kawon; Hong, Songcheol, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, v.73, no.11, pp.16517 - 16530, 2024-11

    Wideband Input Impedance-Invariant Active Phase Shifter Using Miller Capacitor Cancellation for 5G Communication

    Kwon, Yongjun; Hong, Songcheol, IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, v.34, no.9, pp.1091 - 1094, 2024-09

    A Ka-Band Small-Size Differential Four-Way Wilkinson Power Divider With Multicoupled Inductors

    Lee, Gyuha; Cho, SeongHwan; Hong, Songcheol, IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, v.34, no.9, pp.1067 - 1070, 2024-09

    Range-Angle Decoupling Technique Using Wavelength-Dependent Beamforming for High-Resolution MIMO Radar

    Han, Kawon; Hong, Songcheol, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, v.72, no.7, pp.4269 - 4277, 2024-07

    A V-Band Four-Channel Phased Array Transmitter Front-End With 0.7° Phase Step and 20 dB Gain Dynamic Range

    So, Cheol; Sung, Euntaek; Hong, Songcheol, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, v.72, no.5, pp.2799 - 2808, 2024-05

    Linear Regression for Phase Discontinuity Compensation in a Stepped-Carrier OFDM Radar

    Gil, Gye-Tae; Suh, Junseuk; Hong, Songcheol, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, v.72, no.3, pp.2019 - 2030, 2024-03

    Highly Efficient Differential Frequency Doubler With Output Resistance Boosting Feedback

    Yoo, Jongho; Hong, Songcheol, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, v.59, no.2, pp.414 - 423, 2024-02

    A Self-Body-Biasing Network of Vector Sum Phase Shifter for Reduction of Output Capacitance Variation and Supply Current Variation

    Lim, Junhan; Jeong, Gwanghyeon; Hong, Songcheol, IEEE ACCESS, v.12, pp.114460 - 114464, 2024

    Miniaturized Stepped Impedance Transmission Lines for D-Band Wideband Power Divider With Isolation Capacitor

    Park, Seonjeong; Hong, Songcheol, IEEE SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS LETTERS, v.7, pp.78 - 81, 2024

    A 131-162-GHz Wideband CMOS LNA Using Asymmetric Frequency Responses of Triple-Coupled Transformers

    Kim, Ilgwon; Koo, Hyunji; Kim, Wansik; et al, IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, v.33, no.11, pp.1544 - 1547, 2023-11

    W-Band Compact Balun-Embedded SPDT Switch With Leakage-Canceled Overlapped Transformers

    Lee, Seungchan; Park, Jinseok; Hong, Songcheol, IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, v.33, no.11, pp.1532 - 1535, 2023-11

    비선형 DAC를 이용한 Ka 대역 가변 이득 위상천이기

    이민규; 임수빈; 정광현; et al, 한국전자파학회 논문지, v.34, no.11, pp.844 - 847, 2023-11

    Ultra-Thinned Metasurface-Embedded Smartphone Antenna-in-Package for Millimeter-Wave 5G/6G Coverage Enhancement

    Jung, Jaebaek; Lee, Woojun; Lee, Gyuha; et al, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, v.71, no.10, pp.7766 - 7781, 2023-10

    Cancellation of the Angle Migration Effect for Detecting Human Motion Displacement Using MIMO FMCW Radar

    Hur, Min; Han, Kawon; Hong, Songcheol, IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, v.33, no.10, pp.1513 - 1516, 2023-10

    A Millimeter-Wave Mixer-First Receiver With LO Waveform Shaping Using Varactors

    Yoo, Jongho; Hong, Songcheol, IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, v.33, no.9, pp.1353 - 1356, 2023-09

    Null Space Projection-Based Design of Multibeam for Joint Communication and Sensing Systems

    Suh, Jinbae; Kang, Joonhyuk; Han, Kawon; et al, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, v.27, no.8, pp.2162 - 2166, 2023-08

    Systematic characterization for RF small-signal parameter extraction of 28 nm FDSOI MOSFETs up to 110 GHz

    Yang, Xuejing; Lee, Seungkyeong; Hong, Songcheol; et al, MICROELECTRONICS JOURNAL, v.138, 2023-08

    An Efficient V-Band Frequency Tripler With Back-to-Back Connected Varactors

    Yoo, Jongho; Hong, Songcheol, IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, v.33, no.8, pp.1219 - 1222, 2023-08

    A Highly Efficient V-Band Dual-Harmonic-Driven Frequency Doubler

    Yoo, Jongho; Hong, Songcheol, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS, v.70, no.7, pp.2350 - 2354, 2023-07

    Wideband Bidirectional Variable Gain Amplifier for 5G Communication

    Park, Jinhyeok; Hong, Songcheol, IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, v.33, no.6, pp.691 - 694, 2023-06

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