Researcher Page

Huh, Young Eun (허영은)
부교수, (기술경영학부)
Research Area
Consumer Judgment and Decision Making, Consumer Behavior, Marketing
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    What Makes Deviant Places?

    Park, Jin-Hwi; Park, Young-Jae; Cheong, Ilyung; et al, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, v.46, no.11, pp.7405 - 7420, 2024-11

    How Artificial Intelligence Constrains the Human Experience

    Valenzuela, Ana; Puntoni, Stefano; Hoffman, Donna; et al, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, v.9, no.3, pp.241 - 256, 2024-07

    Intergenerational Effects of Lay Beliefs: How Parents’ Unhealthy = Tasty Intuition Influences Their Children’s Food Consumption and Body Mass Index

    Briers, Barbara; Huh, Young Eun; Chan, Elaine; et al, JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH, v.50, no.6, pp.1074 - 1096, 2024-03

    Inducing consumers to use calorie information: a multinational investigation

    Oh, Ga-Eun (Grace); Huh, Young Eun; Mukhopadhyay, Anirban, PSYCHOLOGY & HEALTH, v.38, no.4, pp.1 - 19, 2023-03

    Informed indulgence: the effects of nutrition information provision and dietary restraint on consecutive food consumption decisions

    Oh, Ga-Eun; Huh, Young Eun; Mukhopadhyay, Anirban, PSYCHOLOGY & HEALTH, v.36, no.11, pp.1314 - 1335, 2021-11

    Who gets the blame for service failures? Attribution of responsibility toward robot versus human service providers and service firms

    Leo, Xuying; Huh, Young Eun, COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, v.113, pp.106520, 2020-12

    The unhealthy = tasty belief is associated with BMI through reduced consumption of vegetables: A cross-national and mediational analysis

    Briers, Barbara; Huh, Young Eun; Chan, Elaine; et al, APPETITE, v.150, pp.104639, 2020-07

    Exerting Self-Control not equal Sacrificing Pleasure

    Vosgerau, Joachim; Scopelliti, Irene; Huh, Young Eun, JOURNAL OF CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY, v.30, no.1, pp.181 - 200, 2020-01

    Response to Commentaries on the Exerting Self-Control not equal Sacrificing Pleasure Research Dialogue

    Scopelliti, Irene; Vosgerau, Joachim; Huh, Young Eun, JOURNAL OF CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY, v.30, no.1, pp.215 - 216, 2020-01

    Expiration Date Perception and Food Disposal Decision

    Kim, Christine; Huh, Young Eun, ADVANCES IN CONSUMER RESEARCH, v.47, pp.158 - 163, 2019-10

    9-W: Taste Perception and Creativity

    Huh, Young Eun; Hong, Yoonah; Youn, Nara, ADVANCES IN CONSUMER RESEARCH, v.45, pp.1034 - 1034, 2017-10

    Selective Sensitization: Consuming a Food Activates a Goal to Consume Its Complements

    Huh, Young Eun; Vosgerau, Joachim; Morewedge, Carey K., JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, v.53, no.6, pp.1034 - 1049, 2016-12

    The Mental Budgeting of Calories: How Nutrition Information Influences Food Consumption Day By Day, Not Meal By Meal

    Oh, Ga-Eun (Grace); Huh, Young Eun; Mukhopadhyay, Anirban, ADVANCES IN CONSUMER RESEARCH, v.44, no.44, pp.207 - 212, 2016-10

    Judge Me For What I Eat: When Consumers Use Low-Calorie Labels For Signaling

    Oh, Ga-Eun (Grace); Huh, Young Eun, ADVANCES IN CONSUMER RESEARCH, v.44, pp.213 - 217, 2016-10

    Pleasure, Guilt and Regret in Consumption: Revisiting the Vice-Virtue Categorization in Theories of Self-Control

    Vosgerau, Joachim; Scopelliti, Irene; Huh, Young Eun, ADVANCES IN CONSUMER RESEARCH, v.44, pp.164 - 168, 2016-10

    More Similar but Less Satisfying: Comparing Preferences for and the Efficacy of Within- and Cross-Category Substitutes for Food

    Huh, Young Eun; Vosgerau, Joachim; Morewedge, Carey K., PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE, v.27, no.6, pp.894 - 903, 2016-06

    The Influence of Nutrition Information on Sequential Consumption Decisions For Indulgent Food

    Oh, Ga-Eun (Grace); Huh, Young Eun; Anirban Mukhopadhyay, ADVANCES IN CONSUMER RESEARCH, v.43, pp.147 - 151, 2015-10

    Social Defaults: Observed Choices Become Choice Defaults

    Huh, Young Eun; Vosgerau, Joachim; Morewedge, Carey K., JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH, v.41, no.3, pp.746 - 760, 2014-10

    Within-Category Versus Cross-Category Substitution in Food Consumption

    Morewedge, Carey K.; Vosgerau, Joachim; Huh, Young Eun, ADVANCES IN CONSUMER RESEARCH, v.41, pp.481 - 481, 2013-10

    Thought For Food: Top-Down Processes Moderate Sensory-Specific Satiation

    Huh, Young Eun; Morewedge, Carey K.; Vosgerau, Joachim, ADVANCES IN CONSUMER RESEARCH, v.38, pp.187 - 187, 2011-10

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