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Park, Heekyung (박희경)
명예교수, (건설및환경공학과)
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    Band-Sensitive Calibration of Low-Cost PM2.5 Sensors by LSTM Model with Dynamically Weighted Loss Function

    Ryu, Jewan; Park, Heekyung, SUSTAINABILITY, v.14, no.10, 2022-05

    Comparative analysis of the performance of bioretention implementation at a roadside area in Malaysia

    No, Nurul Afiqah Lotfi; Kamal, Norashikin Ahmad; Park, Heekyung, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE, v.16, no.4, pp.174 - 184, 2021-12

    Computational Fluid Dynamics Modelling and Analysis Approach for Estimating Internal Short-Circuiting in Clearwells

    Shin, Eunher; Ryu, Jewan; Park, Heekyung, WATER, v.13, no.13, 2021-07

    Decision-making process for places of refuge in hazardous and noxious substances incident: Case study of South Korea

    Cho, Hyungmin; Park, Gibyung; Ryu, Jewan; et al, MARINE POLICY, v.108, 2019-10

    Environmental and economic engineering analyses for an urban small hydropower system

    Kamal, Norashikin Ahmad; Shin, Jongseok; Park, Heekyung, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE, v.14, no.3, pp.139 - 146, 2019-09

    Influence analysis of land use by population growth on urban flood risk using system dynamics

    Park, Gibyung; Park, Heekyung, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, v.215, pp.195 - 205, 2018-10

    Resilience assessment for interdependent water supply systems based on a system dynamics model

    Ryu, Jewan; Park, Heekyung, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, v.215, pp.241 - 245, 2018-10

    Deep learning application to time-series prediction of daily chlorophyll-a concentration

    Cho, HyungMin; Choi, U-Jin; Park, Heekyung, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, v.215, pp.157 - 163, 2018-10

    Two-stage approach to quantify the resilience of maritime hazardous and noxious substance spill accidents

    Kim, Eunlak; Park, Heekyung, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION, v.28, pp.595 - 601, 2018-06

    Effect of toxicity concentration of waste lubricating oil (Hazardous Noxious Substances) on aquatic life

    Abdullah, N.M.B.; Aluwi, N.S.M.; Park, Heekyung; et al, International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), v.7, no.3, pp.117 - 120, 2018-06

    Sonocatalytic activity activity of a heterostructured beta-Bi2O3/Bi2O2CO3 nanoplate in degradation of bisphenol A

    Gooyong Lee; Shaliza Ibrahim; Shanmuga Kittappaa; et al, ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY, v.44, pp.64 - 72, 2018-06

    Achieving Cost-efficient Diversification of Water Infrastructure System against Uncertainty using Modern Portfolio Theory

    Shin, Sang Min; Park, Heekyung, JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS, v.20, no.3, pp.739 - 750, 2018-05

    Constructing resilience model of port infrastructure based on system dynamics

    Cho, HyungMin; Park, Heekyung, International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, v.7, no.3, pp.352 - 360, 2017-09

    Predictive model of parameters validation for the Vortexanda technique by using fuzzy logic and neural network

    Kamal, NA; Shin, S; Park, Heekyung, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, v.SI 4, no.1, pp.19 - 36, 2017-08

    해양 HNS 유출사고 초동대응의 시스템 다이내믹스 모형 개발 연구

    류제완; 김남균; 박희경, 한국방재학회논문집, v.17, no.4, pp.307 - 315, 2017-08

    Air pollution risk assessment of hazardous and noxious substance-spill accidents: A case study of Ulsan port, Korea

    Kim Namgyun; Park, Heekyung, WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, v.173, pp.219 - 228, 2017-06

    The self-organizing map analysis of accidents involving hazardous and noxious substances

    Jewan, Ryu; Park, Heekyung, WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, v.173, pp.229 - 234, 2017-06

    매뉴얼 모델링 및 시나리오 시뮬레이션을 통한 해상 HNS 유출사고 초동대응체계 개선 방안 평가

    조형민; 류제완; 김남균; et al, 한국방재학회논문집, v.17, no.3, pp.357 - 365, 2017-06

    행위자의 대응 오류를 중심으로 한 해양 HNS 유출사고사례분석 방법론 연구

    김은진; 김재만; 신상민; et al, 한국방재학회논문집, v.17, no.3, pp.381 - 389, 2017-06

    Localities and Urban Green Growth: Half Century’s Revitalization of Cheong-Gye-Cheon (CGC) in Seoul

    Park, Heekyung; Shin, Jongseok, Korea and the World Economy, v.18, pp.167 - 203, 2017-02

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