A conventional linear model based on Negentropy maximization extracts statistically independent latent variables which may not be optimal to give a discriminant model with good classification performance. In this paper, a single-stage linear semisupervised extraction of discriminative independent features is proposed. Discriminant independent component analysis (dICA) presents a framework of linearly projecting multivariate data to a lower dimension where the features are maximally discriminant with minimal redundancy. The optimization problem is formulated as the maximization of linear summation of Negentropy and weighted functional measure of classification. Motivated by independence among extracted features, Fisher linear discriminant is used as the functional measure of classification. Experimental results show improved classification performance when dICA features are used for recognition tasks in comparison to unsupervised (principal component analysis and ICA) and supervised feature extraction techniques like linear discriminant analysis (LDA), conditional ICA, and those based on information theoretic learning approaches. dICA features also give reduced data reconstruction error in comparison to LDA and ICA method based on Negentropy maximization.