Promoting Design Nationally: Influential Factors

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Research has found that despite wide differences in social and economic situations, most countries tend to adhere to the same design promotion systems, organizations, and activities. Moreover, the nature of design promotion is rarely defined clearly. It is assumed that there is no one ideal system which covers all ranges of design promotion issues. However, it is possible to identify elements of design promotion that reflect key issues and classify activities by certain aims or characteristics, so that governments and organizations can develop their own systems. This paper suggests a new typology of design promotion. Major issues were categorized by two criteria (aims and characteristics of design promotion activities), and four keywords (enlightenment, guidance, support, and encouragement). Based on this typology, elements of various types of design promotion will be analyzed through surveying 49 design promotion organizations. The aim is to suggest what design promotion organizations should consider in developing activities and how to manage those activities to achieve specific aims.
Design Management Institute
Issue Date

DESIGN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, v.5, no.1, pp.32 - 39

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ID-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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