쾌속 3차원 조형법과 유한요소해석을 연계한 소성가공 금형설계의 동시공학적 접근방법Concurrent Engineering Approach to the Die Design of Metal Forming Process using Rapid Prototyping and Finite Element Analysis

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In this work, rapid prototyping and three-dimensional finite element analysis are simultaneously applied to the die design of metal forming processes. Rapid prototyping is a new prototyping technology which produces three-dimensional part models directly from CAD data and has been extensively applied to various manufacturing processes. There are many types of rapid prototyping systems due to their building principles and materials. In this work, Stereolithography Apparatus(SLA), which is the most widely used rapidprototyping system, is introduced to manufacture the die set. For general preparation of STL file, which is the standard input file of rapid prototyping system, mesh data which are used in describing the die surface in finite element analysis are translated so that rapid prototyping and finite element analysis are dffectively connected. A die set for spider forging and a clover punch for deep drawing section are manufactured effciently using SLA prototypes, and metal forming experiments are carried out using them. Comparing the result of experiments with that of analyses, the processes can be predicted and designed successfully.
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한국정밀공학회지, v.13, no.18, pp.146 - 154

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ME-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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