Showing results 52749 to 52768 of 91091
P(VdF-co-HFP)를 기초로 한 가소화된 고분자 전해질의 리튬유황전지의 전기화학적성능에 관한 연구 이용민; 최남순; 박정화; 박정기, 한국전기화학회 2002년도 춘계총회 및 학술발표회 , pp.0 - 0, 한국전기화학회, 2002-04-01 |
p+ n shallow junction formation from BN source using RTP 조병진; Kim, KT; Kim, CK, Conf. on CAD, Semiconductor Material and Components, pp.77 - 77, 1987-05-12 |
P, N Self-Doped Hard Carbon as Bifuntional Air Electrode and Anode Material for Seawater Batteries 김지오; 이진우, 2022 한국공업화학회 춘계총회 및 학술대회, 한국공업화학회, 2022-05-13 |
P,N Self-doped Hard Carbon Utilized as Dual-function Air Electrode and Anode Material in Batteries Powered by Seawater 백승호; 이진우, 2023 한국공업화학회 춘계 총회 및 학술대회, 한국공업화학회, 2023-05-12 |
P,N Self-doped Hard Carbon Utilized as Dual-function Air Electrode and Anode Material in Batteries Powered by Seawater 백승호; 이진우, 한국전기화학회 2023년도 춘계총회 및 학술발표회, 한국전기화학회, 2023-04-07 |
P- and S- wave monitoring of insoluble biopolymer accumulation by Leuconostic mesentroids in fine sands Kwon, Tae-Hyuk; Noh, Dong-Hwa, KKHTCNN symposium on civil engineering, Tongji University, 2014-11-10 |
P-ACD의 Activity Canceling에 관한 연구 및 응급의료서비스 시스템 모델상의 응용 이현진; 신교홍; 이태식, 2014 한국시뮬레이션학회 춘계학술대회, 한국시뮬레이션학회, 2014-05-30 |
p-CMFD acceleration and nonoverlapping local/global iterative transport methods with 2-D/1-D fusion kernel Yuk, Seungsu; Cho, Nam-Zin, 2014 International Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2014, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, JAEA, 2014-09 |
P-Download: A New Personalization Approach for a Content-Based Search System Han, Keejun; Park, Juneyoung; Hong, Donghee; Shin, Jin Seop; Yi, Mun Yong, International Conference on Emerging Databases (EDB 2013), KIISE Database Society of Korea, 2013-08-19 |
P-Hg(1-x)Cd(x)Te 에서의 Ohmic-Contact 형성 김충기; 이희철; 정한; 이성훈; 정희찬, 제 4회 HgCdTe 반도체 Conference, pp.275 - 297, 1993 |
P-RIF: Perceptually Robust Invariant Feature 권인소; 김성호, Workshop on Image Processing and Image Understanding (IPIU), Workshop on Image Processing and Image Understanding (IPIU), 2013-02-19 |
P-RPF: Pixel-based Random Parameter Filtering for Monte Carlo Rendering Park, Hyosub; Moon, Bochang; Kim, Soomin; Yoon, Sung-Eui, 13th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, pp.123 - 130, City University of Hong Kong, 2013-11-17 |
P-SQLITE: PRAM-Based Mobile DBMS for Write Performance Enhancement Park, Kyu Ho; Choi, Woong; Park,SungKyu; Kim Sung Min; Maeng, Min Kyu; Park, KI woong, The Fifth International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications, FUTURE COMPUTING 2013, 2012-05 |
p-Version Infinite Elements for Analyzing various geotechnical problems of unbounded domains Lee, Seung Rae; Koh, K.H; Kim, T.Y, Asia-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, Serial. 4th, pp.743 - 748, 1999-12 |
p-형 게이트를 가진 GaAs FECFET의 제작과 특성 권영세, 대한젼자공학회 추계 종합학술대회, 1992 |
P2MP session management scheme using SIP in MPLS-based next generation network Kwon, Y.; Hyo, J.P.; Seong, G.C.; Jun K.C.; Hyoung, S.L., COIN-NGNCON 2006 - The Joint International Conference on Optical Internet and Next Generation Network, pp.183 - 185, 2006-07-09 |
P2P Power Trading between Nanogrid Clusters Exploiting Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energy Sources Lee, Sangkeum; Har, Dongsoo; Jin, Hojun; Nengroo, Sarvar Hussain, International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), american council on science and education, 2021-12-15 |
P2P Trust Model: The Resource Chain Model Lee, Sinjae; Zhu, Shaojian; Kim, Yanggon, Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2007), IEEE, 2007-07-30 |
P2P 환경에서 라이선스 발급 권한위임을 통한 컨텐츠 유통 활성화 방법 정성근; 이재원; 윤현수, 한국컴퓨터종합학술대회, v.39, no.1, pp.212 - 214, 한국정보과학회, 2012-06-29 |
P300-BCI-based authentication system Yoo, Moon Won; Kaongoen, Netiwit; Jo, Sung Ho, 2016 4th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, 2016-02-23 |