Korean nuclear reactor strategy for the early 21st century : a techno-economic and constraints comparison21세기 한국의 원자로형 전략에 대한 기술경제성 및 제약조건 계통분석

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dc.contributor.advisorLee, Byong-Whi-
dc.contributor.authorShin, Young-Kyun-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 핵공학과, 1990.8, [ ii, 58, [1] p. ]-
dc.description.abstractThe system analysis for Korean nuclear power reactor option is made on the basis of reliability, cost minimization, finite uranium resource availability and nuclear engineering manpower supply constraints. The reference reactor scenarios are developed considering the future electricity demand, nuclear share, current nuclear power plant standardization program and manufacturing capacity. The levelized power generation cost, uranium requirement and nuclear engineering professionals demand are estimated for each reference reactor scenarios and nuclear fuel cycle options from the year 1990 up to the year 2030. Based on the outcomes of the analysis, uranium resource utilization, reliability and nuclear engineering manpower requirements are sensitive to the nuclear reactor strategy and associated fuel cycle whereas the system cost is not. PWR, CANDU-FBR strategy is to be the best option for Korea. However, APWR, CANDU-Passive Safe Reactor(PSR)-FBR strategy should be also considered as a contingency for growing national concerns on nuclear safety and public acceptance deterioration in the future. FBR development and establishment of related fuel cycle should be started as soon as possible considering the uranium shortage anticipated between 2007 and 2032. It should be noted that the increasing use of nuclear energy to minimize the greenhouse effects in the early 21st century would accelerate the uranium resource depletion. The study also concludes that the current level of nuclear engineering professionals employment is not sufficient until 2010 for the establishment of nuclear infrastructure.eng
dc.titleKorean nuclear reactor strategy for the early 21st century-
dc.title.alternative21세기 한국의 원자로형 전략에 대한 기술경제성 및 제약조건 계통분석-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 : 핵공학과, -
dc.contributor.localauthorShin, Young-Kyun-
dc.title.subtitlea techno-economic and constraints comparison-
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