A fair classifier using kernel density estimation

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As machine learning becomes prevalent in a widening array of sensitive applications such as job hiring and criminal justice, one critical aspect in the design of machine learning classifiers is to ensure fairness: Guaranteeing the irrelevancy of a prediction to sensitive attributes such as gender and race. This work develops a kernel density estimation (KDE) methodology to faithfully respect the fairness constraint while yielding a tractable optimization problem that comes with high accuracy-fairness tradeoff. One key feature of this approach is that the fairness measure quantified based on KDE can be expressed as a differentiable function w.r.t. model parameters, thereby enabling the use of prominent gradient descent to readily solve an interested optimization problem. This work focuses on classification tasks and two well-known measures of group fairness: demographic parity and equalized odds. We empirically show that our algorithm achieves greater or comparable performances against prior fair classifers in accuracy-fairness tradeoff as well as in training stability on both synthetic and benchmark real datasets.
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
Issue Date

34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS 2020

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EE-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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