Korean-Specific Emotion Annotation Procedure Using N-Gram-Based Distant Supervision and Korean-Specific-Feature-Based Distant Supervision

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Detecting emotions from texts is considerably important in an NLP task, but it has the limitation of the scarcity of manually labeled data. To overcome this limitation, many researchers have annotated unlabeled data with certain frequently used annotation procedures. However, most of these studies are focused mainly on English and do not consider the characteristics of the Korean language. In this paper, we present a Korean-specific annotation procedure, which consists of two parts, namely n-gram-based distant supervision and Korean-specific-feature-based distant supervision. We leverage the distant supervision with the n-gram and Korean emotion lexicons. Then, we consider the Korean-specific emotion features. Through experiments, we showed the effectiveness of our procedure by comparing with the KTEA dataset. Additionally, we constructed a large-scale emotion-labeled dataset, Korean Movie Review Emotion (KMRE) Dataset, using our procedure. In order to construct our dataset, we used a large-scale sentiment movie review corpus as the unlabeled dataset. Moreover, we used a Korean emotion lexicon provided by KTEA. We also performed an emotion classification task and a human evaluation on the KMRE dataset.
European Language Resources Association
Issue Date

12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp.1603 - 1610

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CS-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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