Researcher Page

Lee, Dasom (이다솜)
조교수, (과학기술정책대학원)
Research Area
AI Policy, Energy, Transportation
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    NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
    Data donation: Using the gift relationship framework to address privacy and environmental issues of energy consumption data collection

    Lee, Dasom; Long, Le Anh Nguyen; Jansma, Sikke R., ENERGY RESEARCH & SOCIAL SCIENCE, v.114, 2024-08

    Corporate social responsibility and corporate interlocks: Fortune 500 companies' performance on the Sustainable Development Goals

    Lee, Dasom, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS, v.31, no.7, pp.3653 - 3667, 2023-11

    Understanding Energy Citizenship: How Cultural Capital Shapes the Energy Transition

    Jansma, Sikke R.; Long, Le Anh Nguyen; Lee, Dasom, ENERGIES, v.16, no.5, 2023-03

    Safety and privacy regulations for unmanned aerial vehicles: A multiple comparative analysis

    Lee, Dasom; Hess, David J.; Heldeweg, Michiel A., TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY, v.71, 2022-11

    Measuring corporate social responsibility: an evaluation of a new sustainable development goals index for Fortune 500 companies

    Lee, Dasom; Hess, David J., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS, v.30, no.7, pp.137 - 154, 2022-05

    Conflicted transitions: Exploring the actors, tactics, and outcomes of social opposition against energy infrastructure

    Sovacool, Benjamin K.; Hess, David J.; Cantoni, Roberto; et al, GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE-HUMAN AND POLICY DIMENSIONS, v.73, 2022-03

    Public concerns and connected and automated vehicles: safety, privacy, and data security

    Lee, Dasom; Hess, David J., HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS, v.9, no.1, 2022-03

    A comparative, sociotechnical design perspective on Responsible Innovation: multidisciplinary research and education on digitized energy and Automated Vehicles

    Hess, David J.; Lee, Dasom; Biebl, Bianca; et al, JOURNAL OF RESPONSIBLE INNOVATION, v.8, no.3, pp.421 - 444, 2021-09

    Data privacy and residential smart meters: Comparative analysis and harmonization potential

    Lee, Dasom; Hess, David J., UTILITIES POLICY, v.70, 2021-06

    The challenges of implementing transactive energy: A comparative analysis of experimental projects

    Lee, Dasom; Hess, David J.; Neema, Himanshu, Electricity Journal, v.33, no.10, 2020-12

    Regulations for on-road testing of connected and automated vehicles: Assessing the potential for global safety harmonization

    Lee, Dasom; Hess, David J., TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE, v.136, pp.85 - 98, 2020-06

    Energy decentralization in California and New York: Conflicts in the politics of shared solar and community choice

    Hess, David J.; Lee, Dasom, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, v.121, 2020-04

    Incumbent resistance and the solar transition: Changing opportunity structures and framing strategies

    Lee, Dasom; Hess, David J., ENVIRONMENTAL INNOVATION AND SOCIETAL TRANSITIONS, v.33, pp.183 - 195, 2019-11

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