Researcher Page

Kwon, Youngjin (권영진)
부교수, (전산학부)
Research Area
Systems and Networking, Machine learning systems, Secure Computing
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    NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
    Hardware-hardened Sandbox Enclaves for Trusted Serverless Computing

    Park, Joongun; Kang, Seunghyo; Lee, SangHyeon; et al, ACM TRANSACTIONS ON ARCHITECTURE AND CODE OPTIMIZATION, v.21, no.1, 2024-03

    On-demand Virtualization for Post-copy OS Migration in Bare-metal Cloud

    Im, Jaeseong; Kim, Jongyul; Kwon, Youngjin; et al, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING, v.11, no.2, pp.2028 - 2038, 2023-04

    TxFS: Leveraging File-system Crash Consistency to Provide ACID Transactions

    Hu, Yige; Zhu, Zhiting; Neal, Ian; et al, ACM TRANSACTIONS ON STORAGE, v.15, no.2, 2019-06

    Ingens: Huge Page Support for the OS and Hypervisor

    Kwon, Youngjin; Yu, Hangchen; Peter, Simon; et al, ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, v.51, no.1, pp.83 - 93, 2017-09

    Resource Accounting of Shared IT Resources in Multi-Tenant Clouds

    Tak, Byung Chul; Kwon, Youngjin; Urgaonkar, Bhuvan, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SERVICES COMPUTING, v.10, no.2, pp.302 - 315, 2017-03

    EARP: Principled Storage, Sharing, and Protection for Mobile Apps

    Xu, Yuanzhong; Hunt, Tyler; Kwon, Youngjin; et al, MOBILE COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATIONS REVIEW, v.20, no.3, pp.29 - 33, 2016-07

    Sego: Pervasive Trusted Metadata for Efficiently Verified Untrusted System Services

    Kwon, Youngjin; Dunn, Alan M.; Lee, Michael Z.; et al, ACM SIGPLAN NOTICES, v.51, no.4, pp.277 - 290, 2016-04

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