Researcher Page

Chang, Dong Eui (장동의)
교수, (전기및전자공학부)
Research Area
robotics, control, machine learning
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    NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
    Machine learning based state observer for discrete time systems evolving on Lie groups

    Shanbhag, Soham; Chang, Dong Eui, ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, v.139, 2025-01

    A Two-Step Controller for Vision-Based Autonomous Landing of a Multirotor with a Gimbal Camera

    Yoo, Sangbaek; Park, Jae-Hyeon; Chang, Dong Eui, DRONES, v.8, no.8, 2024-08

    Chemical Gas Source Localization with Synthetic Time Series Diffusion Data Using Video Vision Transformer

    Jang, Heedeok; Kwon, Seokjoon; Nam, Hyunwoo; et al, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, v.14, no.11, 2024-06

    Semi-Supervised Autoencoder for Chemical Gas Classification with FTIR Spectrum

    Jang, Heedeok; Kwon, Seokjoon; Nam Hyunwoo; et al, SENSORS, v.24, no.11, 2024-06

    A New Paradigm for Dealing With Manifold Structures in Visual Inertial Odometry by Using Stable Embedding

    Park, JaeHyeon; Yoo, Sangbaek; Chang, Dong Eui, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, v.32, no.3, pp.1098 - 1104, 2024-05

    A Sensor Drift Compensation Method with a Masked Autoencoder Module

    Kwon, Seokjoon; Park, Jae-Hyeon; Jang, Heedeok; et al, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, v.14, no.6, 2024-03

    레이더 군집화를 위한 반복 K-means 클러스터링 알고리즘

    박동현; 서동호; 백지현; et al, 한국군사과학기술학회지, v.26, no.6, pp.384 - 391, 2023-12

    A Deep Learning-based Fault Recovery System for Safe Flight of UAV in the Position Sensor Freezing Situation

    Park, Dong Hyun; Kim, Jong Seo; Park, Jae-Hyeon; et al, Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, v.29, no.11, pp.866 - 871, 2023-11

    A Novel Batch Streaming Pipeline for Radar Emitter Classification

    Park, Dong Hyun; Seo, Dong-Ho; Baek, Jee-Hyeon; et al, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, v.13, no.22, 2023-11

    Deep Learning Algorithm With Residual Blocks for Chemical Gas Concentration Estimation

    Jang, Hee-Deok; Park, Jae-Hyeon; Chang, Dong Eui; et al, Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, v.29, no.7, pp.556 - 561, 2023-07

    A New Bundle Picture for the Drone

    Chang, Dong Eui, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, v.68, no.7, pp.4218 - 4224, 2023-07

    Constrained control for systems on matrix Lie groups with uncertainties

    Shi, Chuanbeibei; Yu, Yushu; Ma, Yuwei; et al, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL, v.33, no.5, pp.3285 - 3311, 2023-03

    Unscented Kalman filter with stable embedding for simple, accurate, and computationally efficient state estimation of systems on manifolds in Euclidean space

    Park, Jae-Hyeon; Chang, Dong Eui, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL, v.33, no.3, pp.1479 - 1492, 2023-02

    로봇 임베디드 시스템에서 리튬이온 배터리 잔량 추정을 위한 신경망 프루닝 최적화 기법

    박동현; 장희덕; 장동의, 로봇학회 논문지, v.18, no.1, pp.88 - 92, 2023-02

    Globally Convergent Observer for the Rigid Body System on SE(3) in Presence of Intermittent Measurements

    Shanbhag, Soham; Chang, Dong Eui, IEEE ACCESS, v.10, pp.103462 - 103468, 2022-09

    Learning Flexible and Fair Data Representations

    Usama, Muhammad; Chang, Dong Eui, IEEE ACCESS, v.10, pp.99235 - 99242, 2022-09

    Feedback Integrators for Mechanical Systems with Holonomic Constraints

    Chang, Dong Eui; Perlmutter, Matthew; Vankerschaver, Joris, SENSORS, v.22, no.17, 2022-08

    Model Predictive Regulation on Manifolds in Euclidean Space

    Phogat, Karmvir Singh; Chang, Dong Eui, SENSORS, v.22, no.14, 2022-07

    An effective baseline correction algorithm using broad gaussian vectors for chemical agent detection with known raman signature spectra

    Yu, Hyeong Geun; Park, Dong-Jo; Chang, Dong Eui; et al, SENSORS, v.21, no.24, 2021-12

    Multipath Lightweight Deep Network Using Randomly Selected Dilated Convolution

    Park, Sangun; Chang, Dong Eui, SENSORS, v.21, no.23, pp.7862, 2021-11

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