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Yoo, Shin (유신)
부교수, (전산학부)
Research Area
Software testing, Search Based Software Engineering, Evolutionary Computation
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    Causal program dependence analysis

    Lee, Seongmin; Binkley, Dave; Feldt, Robert; et al, SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING, v.240, 2025-02

    Evaluating Diverse Large Language Models for Automatic and General Bug Reproduction

    Kang, Sungmin; Yoon, Juyeon; Askarbekkyzy, Nargiz; et al, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, v.50, no.10, pp.2677 - 2694, 2024-10

    Deceiving Humans and Machines Alike: Search-based Test Input Generation for DNNs Using Variational Autoencoders

    Kang, Sungmin; Feldt, Robert; Yoo, Shin, ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY, v.33, no.4, 2024-05

    Learning test-mutant relationship for accurate fault localisation

    Kim, Jinhan; An, Gabin; Feldt, Robert; et al, INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY, v.162, 2023-10

    Arachne: Search Based Repair of Deep Neural Networks

    Sohn, Jeongju; Kang, Sungmin; Yoo, Shin, ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY, v.32, no.4, pp.1 - 26, 2023-07

    Evaluating Surprise Adequacy for Deep Learning System Testing

    Kim, Jinhan; Feldt, Robert; Yoo, Shin, ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY, v.32, no.2, 2023-04

    Predictive Mutation Analysis via the Natural Language Channel in Source Code

    Kim, Jinhan; Jeon, Juyoung; Hong, Shin; et al, ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY, v.31, no.4, pp.1 - 27, 2022-10

    Observation-based approximate dependency modeling and its use for program slicing

    Lee, Seongmin; Binkley, David; Feldt, Robert; et al, JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE, v.179, pp.110988, 2021-09

    Empirical Evaluation of Fault Localisation Using Code and Change Metrics

    Sohn, Joengju; Yoo, Shin, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, v.47, no.8, pp.1605 - 1625, 2021-08

    Mining Fix Patterns for FindBugs Violations

    Liu, Kui; Kim, Dongsun; Bissyande, Tegawende F.; et al, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, v.47, no.1, pp.165 - 188, 2021-01

    Pandemic programming How COVID-19 affects software developers and how their organizations can help

    Ralph, Paul; Baltes, Sebastian; Adisaputri, Gianisa; et al, EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, v.25, no.6, pp.4927 - 4961, 2020-11

    Evaluating Lexical Approximation of Program Dependence

    Lee, Seongmin; Binkley, David; Gold, Nicolas; et al, JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE, v.160, 2020-02

    Precise Learn-to-Rank Fault Localization Using Dynamic and Static Features of Target Programs

    Kim, Yunho; Mun, Seokhyun; Yoo, Shin; et al, ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY, v.28, no.4, pp.1 - 34, 2019-10

    A comparison of tree- and line-oriented observational slicing

    Binkley, David; Gold, Nicolas; Islam, Syed; et al, EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, v.24, no.5, pp.3077 - 3113, 2019-10

    Empirical evaluation of mutation-based test case prioritization techniques

    Shin, Donghwan; Yoo, Shin; Papadakis, Mike; et al, Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, v.29, no.1-2, pp.e1695, 2019-03

    A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Diversity-aware Mutation Adequacy Criterion

    Shin, Donghwan; Yoo, Shin; Bae, Doo-Hwan, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, v.44, no.10, pp.914 - 931, 2018-10

    Search-Based Approaches for Software Module Clustering Based on Multiple Relationship Factors

    Hwa, Jimin; Yoo, Shin; Seo, Yeong-Seok; et al, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING, v.27, no.7, pp.1033 - 1062, 2017-09

    Human Competitiveness of Genetic Programming in Spectrum-Based Fault Localisation: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis

    Yoo, Shin; Xie, Xiaoyuan; Kuo, Fei-Ching; et al, ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY, v.26, no.1, 2017-07

    Observational slicing based on visual semantics

    Yoo, Shin; Binkley, David; Eastman, Roger, JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE, v.129, pp.60 - 78, 2017-07

    Guest editorial for special section on research in search-based software engineering

    Le Goues, Claire; Yoo, Shin, EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, v.22, no.2, pp.849 - 851, 2017-04

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