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Park, Dong-Jo (박동조)
명예교수, (전기및전자공학부)
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    An effective baseline correction algorithm using broad gaussian vectors for chemical agent detection with known raman signature spectra

    Yu, Hyeong Geun; Park, Dong-Jo; Chang, Dong Eui; et al, SENSORS, v.21, no.24, 2021-12

    Dynamic one-shot target detection and classification using a pseudo-Siamese network and its application to Raman spectroscopy

    Park, Jae-Hyeon; Yu, Hyeong-Geun; Park, Dong-Jo; et al, ANALYST, v.146, no.22, pp.6997 - 7004, 2021-11

    비접촉식 화학작용제 탐지용 라만 분광계를 위한 Denoising Autoencoder 기반 잡음제거 기술

    이창식; 유형근; 박재현; et al, 한국군사과학기술학회지, v.24, no.4, pp.374 - 381, 2021-08

    잡음과 스펙트럼 이동에 강인한 CNN 기반 라만 분광 알고리즘

    박재현; 유형근; 이창식; et al, 한국군사과학기술학회지, v.24, no.3, pp.264 - 271, 2021-06

    Design of cooperative matched filter for detection of chemical agents

    Yu, Hyeong-Geun; Lee, Chang Sik; Park, Dong-Jo; et al, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, v.57, no.5, pp.216 - 218, 2021-03

    Measurements and Analysis of Radio Propagation at 28 GHz in Vegetated Areas of Typical Residential Environments

    Ko, Junghoon; Hur, Sooyoung; Noh, Yun-Seok; et al, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, v.68, no.5, pp.4149 - 4154, 2020-05

    Robust Beamforming and Time Allocation for Full-Duplex Wireless-Powered Communication Networks

    Lee, Jai-Hoon; Cho, Yong-Ho; Park, Dong-Jo; et al, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, v.23, no.9, pp.1665 - 1669, 2019-09

    수동형 FTIR 분광계에서 초동 탐지 기법을 이용한고속 원거리 화학 가스 탐지 알고리즘

    유형근; 박동조; 남현우; et al, 한국군사과학기술학회지, v.21, no.6, pp.744 - 751, 2018-12

    Millimeter-Wave Channel Measurements and Analysis for Statistical Spatial Channel Model in In-Building and Urban Environments at 28 GHz

    Ko, Junghoon; Yeon-Jea Cho; Hur, Sooyoung; et al, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, v.16, no.9, pp.5853 - 5868, 2017-09

    Sequential Detector Design for Spectrum Sensing Considering Instantaneously Nonidentically Distributed Samples

    Cho, Yeon Jea; Park, Dong-Jo, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, v.66, no.3, pp.2158 - 2169, 2017-03

    Feasibility Study and Spatial-Temporal Characteristics Analysis for 28 GHz Outdoor Wireless Channel Modelling

    Ko, Junghoon; Lee, Kyoungtae; Cho, Yeon-Jea; et al, IET COMMUNICATIONS, v.10, no.17, pp.2352 - 2362, 2016-11

    Iterative Beamformer Design for Multi-Node MIMO Two-Way Relay Networks Using Duality

    Choi, Won Chul; Park, Dong-Jo, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, v.65, no.8, pp.6742 - 6747, 2016-08

    Measurements and analyses of 28 GHz indoor channel propagation based on a synchronized channel sounder using directional antennas

    Ko, Junghoon; Lee, Sung Uk; Kim, Young Seok; et al, JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS, v.30, no.15, pp.2039 - 2054, 2016

    Linear Precoding Design for Mutual Information Maximization in Generalized Spatial Modulation With Finite Alphabet Inputs

    Jin, Seung-Ri; Choi, Won-Chul; Park, Jung-Hyun; et al, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, v.19, no.8, pp.1323 - 1326, 2015-08

    Characterization of Hazardous Gases Using an Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging System

    Lee, Jai-Hoon; Yu, Hyeong-Geun; Park, Dong-Jo; et al, INSTRUMENTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, v.43, no.4, pp.469 - 484, 2015-07

    Image visualization of hyperspectral spectrum for LWIR

    Chong, Eugene; Jeong, Young-Su; Lee, Jai-Hoon; et al, INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY, v.71, pp.10 - 17, 2015-07

    Sum Rate Maximization of an MIMO Two-Way Relay System Using MSE Duality

    Heo, Ayoung; Choi, Won Chul; Park, Jung-Hyun; et al, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, v.19, no.5, pp.863 - 866, 2015-05

    KeyQ: A Dynamic Key Establishment Method Using an RFID Anti-Collision Protocol

    Kang, You Sung; Park, Dong-Jo; Engels, Daniel W.; et al, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, v.E97A, no.12, pp.2662 - 2666, 2014-12

    Joint Optimization of Source and Relay for MIMO Two-Way Relay Networks Using MSE Duality

    Choi, Won Chul; Choi, Seung Won; Heo, Ayoung; et al, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, v.18, no.7, pp.1246 - 1249, 2014-07

    Closed Form Expressions for Detection Threshold and Sample Size for Spectrum Sensing Considering Instantaneously Non-Identically Distributed Samples

    Cho, Yeon Jea; Park, Dong-Jo, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, v.18, no.2, pp.233 - 236, 2014-02

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