Researcher Page

Kim, Minki (김민기)
부교수, (경영공학부)
Research Area
Quantitative Marketing , Health Care Management, Health Economics
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    Engaging Consumers With Virtual Reality: A Moderation Role of Product Types and Consumption Orientations

    Lee, Sol; Choi, Kyungdon; Kim, Minki, PSYCHOLOGY & MARKETING, ACCEPT

    Predicting Parkinson's Disease Using a Deep-Learning Algorithm to Analyze Prodromal Medical and Prescription Data

    Koo, Youngwook; Kim, Minki; Lee, Woong-Woo, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROLOGY, v.21, no.1, pp.21 - 30, 2025-01

    What Drives Green Food Consumption in the ICT Era? Exploring the Role of Family Decision-Making

    Ko, Dajeong; Kim, Minki; Koo, Youngwook; et al, 정보통신정책연구, v.31, no.3, pp.51 - 87, 2024-09

    A Case Study on DH’s M&A of Woowa Brothers: Exit of Korean Startup by Global Funds

    송은영; 김민기; 유효상, Korea Business Review, v.27, no.4, pp.43 - 69, 2023-11

    Robot anthropomorphism and job insecurity: The role of social comparison

    Wang, Phyllis Xue; Kim, Sara; Kim, Minki, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, v.164, 2023-09

    A Role of β2‑Adrenoreceptor Agonists Related to the Development of Parkinson’s Disease

    Jung, Dain; Kwak, Do Won; Kim, Minki; et al, NEUROLOGY INDIA, v.71, no.4, pp.710 - 715, 2023-07

    Long Short-Term Memory-Based Deep Learning Models for Screening Parkinson's Disease Using Sequential Diagnostic Codes

    Yoon, Seokjoon; Kim, Minki; Lee, Woong-Woo, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROLOGY, v.19, no.3, pp.270 - 279, 2023-05

    Editorial: Together with the Asia Marketing Journal

    Yoo, Jaewon; Choi, Woo Jin; Kim, Minki, ASIA MARKETING JOURNAL, v.25, no.1, 2023-04

    다중 이상점 선호 기반 OTT 사업자 경쟁우위 전략: 동시방영권 협상을 중심으로

    김소현; 박정현; 김민기, 정보사회와 미디어, v.24, no.1, pp.113 - 150, 2023-04

    Mapping Consumers' Context-Dependent Consumption Preferences: A Multidimensional Unfolding Approach

    Park, Junghyun; Kim, Minki; Chintagunta, Pradeep K., JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH, v.49, no.2, pp.202 - 228, 2022-07

    The Moderating Role of Subjective Norms and Self-Congruence in Customer Purchase Intentions in the LCC Market: Do Not Tell Me I Am Cheap

    Suk, Minho; Kim, Minki; Kim, Wonjoon, RESEARCH IN TRANSPORTATION BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT, v.41, 2021-12

    Drinking Through Good Times and Bad: The Role of Consumer Differences

    Joo, Hailey Hayeon; Kim, Minki; Lee, Jungmin; et al, JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, v.58, no.4, pp.721 - 741, 2021-08

    An empirical investigation on the economic impact of shared patient information among doctors

    Jung, Dain; Kwak, Do Won; Kim, Hye-jin; et al, APPLIED ECONOMICS, v.52, no.33, pp.3555 - 3573, 2020-07

    Word-representability of Toeplitz graphs

    Cheon, Gi-Sang; Kim, Jinha; Kim, Minki; et al, DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS, v.270, pp.96 - 105, 2019-11

    빅데이터와 경쟁정책: 국내 온라인 비즈니스 분야 시장 현황 분석을 중심으로

    황태희; 김민기; 조혜신; et al, 정보통신정책연구, v.26, no.3, pp.101 - 124, 2019-09

    Quality-Adjusted International Price Comparisons of Mobile Telecommunications Services

    Yun, Seong Hun; Kim, Yongjae; Kim, Minki, TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY, v.43, no.4, pp.339 - 352, 2019-05

    Investor Sentiment and Bond Risk Premia: Evidence from China

    Lee, Kiryoung; Kim, Minki, EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE, v.55, no.4, pp.915 - 933, 2019-03

    Do hedge funds time market tail risk? Evidence from option-implied tail risk

    Shin, Jung-Soon; Kim, Minki; Oh, Dongjun; et al, JOURNAL OF FUTURES MARKETS, v.39, no.2, pp.205 - 237, 2019-02

    Hierarchical prescription pattern analysis with symptom labels

    Shin, Su-Jin; Oh, Je-Yong; Park, Sungrae; et al, PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS, v.111, pp.94 - 100, 2018-08

    Identifying prescription patterns with a topic model of diseases and medications

    Park, Sungrae; Choi, Doosup; Kim, Minki; et al, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS, v.75, pp.35 - 47, 2017-11

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