실선체 곡면 제작을 위한 선형 배열 롤 셋 공정의 적용에 관한 연구A Study on the Application of Line Array Roll Set Process for the Manufacture of Real Ship Hull Plates

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The line array roll set(LARS) process, as one of many kinds of incremental forming processes, is a continuous process in which a flat metal plate is formed into a singly or doubly curved plate through successive passes of forming rolls. It was found that the curvature level of the formed plates in the previous study was well over the curvature required in shipyards. This fact shows that the LARS method has good potential for shipbuilding applications. The major purpose of the present study is to estimate experimentally the general applicability of the line array roll set process for the manufacture of ship hull plates. In this study, the target shapes are selected through investigation of the shape classification of ship hull plates that comprise a certain vessel. Forming processes for twisted shapes are analyzed with the finite element method(FEM) and the results of experimental work are presented. On the basis of the experimental and numerical results, the LARS process is applied to the production of real outer hull plates of a small patrol ship.
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소성가공학회지, v.19, no.2, pp.120 - 126

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ME-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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