비접촉식 열공구를 이용한 VLM-ST 제품의 미세 형상 가공 공정 개발에 관한 연구Development of Shape Refining Process of VLM-ST Parts Using Noncontacting Hot Tool

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In most RP processes, the inherent stair-stepped surfaces and shrinkage-induced warping of the parts require post processing such as surface finishing. To minimize such defects, VLM-ST, a newly developed RP process, employs a 3.9mm thick expandable polystyrene (EPS) foam sheet and a hot wire to contour it to have slant linear-interpolated sides. The use of relatively thick sheets for layers, however, limits the process capability of constructing fine details, especially smaller than the layer thickness. This study is focused on the development of a post processing method for fine details of VLM-ST parts. The post-processing tool was designed to meet all the requirements for the desirable post processing. It adopted a hot wire as a means of melting the EPS foam sheet. Various basic experiments on the post processing were carried out to obtain the optimal process conditions. The dominant process parameters such as the radiated heat input, the tool speed, and the gap between the tool tip and the foam sheet (tool height) were considered in the experiments. The effectiveness of the developed post-processing method for forming or engraving fine details on the VLM-ST parts has been thus demonstrated. The experiments on engraving several sets of letters, such as CANESM, 人間, and 한국과학기술원, on the EPS foam sheet were carried out. In addition, a flowery shape was engraved on a three-dimensionally curved surface of a pottery-shape VLM-ST part.
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한국정밀공학회지, v.21, no.1, pp.149 - 158

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ME-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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