Aperture-angle and Hausdorff-approximation of convex figures

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The aperture angle alpha(x, Q) of a point x is not an element of Q in the plane with respect to a convex polygon Q is the angle of the smallest cone with apex x that contains Q. The aperture angle approximation error of a compact convex set C in the plane with respect to an inscribed convex polygon Q. C is the minimum aperture angle of any x is an element of C \ Q with respect to Q. We show that for any compact convex set C in the plane and any k > 2, there is an inscribed convex k-gon Q subset of C with aperture angle approximation error (1 - 2/k+1)pi. This bound is optimal, and settles a conjecture by Fekete from the early 1990s. The same proof technique can be used to prove a conjecture by Brass: If a polygon P admits no approximation by a sub-k-gon (the convex hull of k vertices of P) with Hausdorff distance sigma, but all subpolygons of P (the convex hull of some vertices of P) admit such an approximation, then P is a (k + 1)-gon. This implies the following result: For any k > 2 and any convex polygon P of perimeter at most 1 there is a sub-k-gon Q of P such that the Hausdorff-distance of P and Q is at most 1/k+1 sin pi/k+1.
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DISCRETE & COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY, v.40, no.3, pp.414 - 429

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CS-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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