Ll2 (Al, Cr)3 Ti기 2상 금속간화합물의 소성거동에 미치는 V 및 Zr 첨가의 효과Effects of V and Zr Additions on the Plastic Deformation Behavior of Ll2 (Al, Cr)3Ti-based Two-Phase Intermetallic Compounds

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Effects of V and Zr additions on the microstructures and the mechanical properties of two-phase intermetallic compounds consisting of LI2 matrix and 20vol.% Cr2Al were investigated. Among the V-added two-phase intermetallic compounds, Al-2lTi-20Cr-3V showed the best ductility as well as relatively high yield strength. V was found to substitute for Cr and improve the ductility of Cr2Al phase, In the case of Zr-added two-phase alloys, the particle size of Cr2Al was refined, and Zr was found to be soluble only in Li matrix As Zr content increased in the Zr-added two-phase alloys, the yield strength increased, but the ductility decreased. It was found in Zr-added two-phase alloys that the loss of ductility in Li matrix due to Zr additions was more significant than the ductilizing effect due to second phase refinement. Zr-added two-phase alloys, however, shoed higher yield strength than V-added two-phase alloys over the entire temperature range tested. Based on the results obtained, plastic deformation behavior of two-phase intermetallic compounds alloyed with V and Zr were examined. Al-19Ti-21Cr-2V-2Zr showed the best mechanical properties among the alloys tested, which is suggested to be the alloy composition to optimize the effects of V and Zr additions simultaneously.
Issue Date

대한금속·재료학회지 , v.36, no.7, pp.1062 - 1068

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MS-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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