굽힘 에너지가 보강된 박막 요소와 연속 접촉 처리를 이용한 스탬핑 공정의 단면 해석Sectional Analysis of Sheet Metal Stamping Processes Using Bending Energy Augmented Membrane Element and Continuous Contact Treatment
A sectional analysis of sheet metal forming process with an arbitrary tool shape is proposed in the present work. To improve the numerical convergence in the conventional membrane sectional analysis, the Bending Energy Augmented Membrane (BEAM) elements had been developed. The BEAM elements particularly improve the stability and convergence of the finite element method for the case of deep drawing. In this work, the FERGUBON spline (C2-continuous) was used to fit the deformed mesh to smooth the given curves and calculate the local curvature of the deformed sheet. The fittings of the deformed sheet and tool surface profile ensure the stability and the convergence of the finite element analysis of highly nonlinear stamping processes. A center floor section and front fender section are analyzed to show the accuracy and robustness of the approach. The results obtained by the proposed approach are compared with the available experimental data.