유한 요소법을 이용한 다단식 아이어닝 공정의 유동특성에관한 연구A Study on the Flow Behaviors of the Multi-Pass Ironing Process by the Finite Element Method

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The ironing is a precision metal forming process by which dimensional accuracy of the product is precisely controlled. The ironing process is carried out usually in cold condition and often multi-passes are employed instead of a single-pass process. The objective of the present study is to analyze single-pass and multi-pass ironing by the rigid-plastic finite element method and to find proper design parameters and optimal design conditions for the ironing process. In the present study the semi-cone angle of the die and pass number are taken as process parameters in the design of the process. In the present analysis the forming load, stress and strain distributions and grid distortion are determined both for single-pass ironing and multi-pass ironing. Then the effect of process parameters on these values are discussed. Experiments are carried out for tube ironing of aluminum alloy specimens at room temperature. It is then shown that computed results are in good agreement with the experimental observation both in forming load and in grid distortion.
Issue Date

유변학, v.1, no.1, pp.36 - 45

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ME-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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