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NO | Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date) |
Kinematic-based locomotion mode recognition for power augmentation exoskeleton Kim, Hongchul; Shin, Young June; Kim, Jung, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ROBOTIC SYSTEMS, v.14, no.5, 2017-09 | |
The Effect of EN Ratio and Current on Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Weld Joined by AC-GMAW on Square Groove Butt Joints Ikram, Adeel; Chung, Hyun, Applied Sciences-Basel, v.7, no.3, 2017-03 | |
Vertical Hydrodynamic Focusing and Continuous Acoustofluidic Separation of Particles via Upward Migration Ahmed, Husnain; Destgeer, Ghulam; Park, Jinsoo; Jung, Jin Ho; Sung, Hyung Jin, ADVANCED SCIENCE, v.5, no.2, 2018-02 | |
Characterization and analysis of timing jitter in normal-dispersion mode-locked Er-fiber lasers with intra-cavity filtering Shin, Junho; Jung, Kwangyun; Song, Youjian; Kim, Jungwon, OPTICS EXPRESS, v.23, no.17, pp.22898 - 22906, 2015-08 | |
Recent Advances in Ocean Nuclear Power Plants Lee, Kang-Heon; Kim, Min-Gil; Lee, Jeong-Ik; Lee, Phill-Seung, ENERGIES, v.8, no.10, pp.11470 - 11492, 2015-10 |