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Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
Air stable high resolution organic transistors by selective laser sintering of ink-jet printed metal nanoparticles

Ko, Seung Hwan; Pan, Heng; Grigoropoulos, Costas P.; Luscombe, Christine K.; Frechet, Jean M. J.; Poulikakos, Dimos, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, v.90, no.14, 2007-04

All-inkjet-printed flexible electronics fabrication on a polymer substrate by low-temperature high-resolution selective laser sintering of metal nanoparticles

Ko, Seung Hwan; Pan, Heng; Grigoropoulos, Costas P.; Luscombe, Christine K.; Frechet, Jean M. J.; Poulikakos, Dimos, NANOTECHNOLOGY, v.18, no.34, 2007-08

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