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Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
A high aspect ratio serpentine structure for use as a strain-insensitive, stretchable transparent conductor

Jang, Sungwoo; Kim, Cheolgyu; Park, Jung Jin; Jin, Ming Liang; Kim, Seon Joon; Park, O Ok; Kim, Taek-Soo; Jung, Hee-Tae, SMALL, v.14, no.8, 2018-02

Temperature-Controlled Direct Imprinting of Ag Ionic Ink: Flexible Metal Grid Transparent Conductors with Enhanced Electromechanical Durability

Oh, Yong Suk; Choi, Hyesun; Lee, Jaeho; Lee, Hyunwoo; Choi, Dong Yun; Lee, Sung Uk; Yun, Kyeong-Soo; Yoo, Seunghyup; Kim, Taek-Soo; Park, Inkyu; Sung, Hyung Jin, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v.7, 2017-09

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