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Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
Controlled multiple neutral planes by low elastic modulus adhesive for flexible organic photovoltaics

Kim, Wansun; Lee, Inhwa; Kim, Dong Yoon; Yu, Youn-Yeol; Jung, Hae-Yoon; Kwon, Seyeoul; Park, Weon Seo; Kim, Taek-Soo, NANOTECHNOLOGY, v.28, no.19, 2017-05

Role of Graphene in Reducing Fatigue Damage in Cu/Gr Nanolayered Composite

Hwang, Byungil; Kim, Wonsik; Kim, Jaemin; Lee, Subin; Lim, Seoyoen; Kim, Sangmin; Oh, Sang Ho; Ryu, Seunghwa; Han, Seung Min, NANO LETTERS, v.17, no.8, pp.4740 - 4745, 2017-08

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