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Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
Nanorecycling: Monolithic Integration of Copper and Copper Oxide Nanowire Network Electrode through Selective Reversible Photothermochemical Reduction

Han, Seungyong; Hong, Sukjoon; Yeo, Junyeob; Kim, Dongkwan; Kang, Bongchul; Yang, Min-Yang; Ko, Seung Hwan, ADVANCED MATERIALS, v.27, no.41, pp.6397 - +, 2015-11

Selective Laser Direct Patterning of Silver Nanowire Percolation Network Transparent Conductor for Capacitive Touch Panel

Hong, Sukjoon; Yeo, Junyeob; Lee, Jinhwan; Lee, Habeom; Lee, Phillip; Lee, Seung S.; Ko, Seung-Hwan, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, v.15, no.3, pp.2317 - 2323, 2015-03

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