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Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.262 seconds).

NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
A master manipulator with a remote-center-of-motion kinematic structure for a minimally invasive robotic surgical system

Lee, Hyunyoung; Cheon, Byungsik; Hwang, Minho; Kang, Dong-Hoon; Kwon, Dong-Soo, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER ASSISTED SURGERY, v.14, no.1, 2018-02

Performance and availability of a marine generator-solid oxide fuel cell-gas turbine hybrid system in a very large ethane carrier

Ahn, Junkeon; Park, Sungho; Noh, Yeelyong; Il Choi, Byung; Ryu, Jiheon; Chang, Daejun; Brendstrup, K. L. M., JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, v.399, pp.199 - 206, 2018-09

Kinematics of lower limbs during walking are emulated by springy walking model with a compliantly connected, off-centered curvy foot

Lim, Hyerim; Park, Sukyung, JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS, v.71, pp.119 - 126, 2018-04

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