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Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
Effect of ortho-para conversion on economics of liquid hydrogen tanker with pressure cargo tanks

You, Hwalong; Ahn, Junkeon; Jeong, Sangkwon; Chang, Daejun, SHIPS AND OFFSHORE STRUCTURES, v.13, no.Sup1, pp.79 - 85, 2018-01

A Novel Boil-Off Gas Re-Liquefaction Using a Spray Recondenser for Liquefied Natural-Gas Bunkering Operations

Ryu, Jiheon; Lee, Chihun; Seo,Yutaek; Kim, Jun Young; Seo, Suwon; Chang, Daejun, ENERGIES, v.9, no.12, 2016-12

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