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Results 11-17 of 17 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
High aspect ratio silver grid transparent electrodes using UV embossing process

Kim, Dong Jin; Lim, Mikyung; Lee, Seung S.; Kim, Jin-Ha, AIP ADVANCES, v.7, no.10, 2017-10

Highly Stretchable, Hysteresis-Free Ionic Liquid-Based Strain Sensor for Precise Human Motion Monitoring

Choi, Dong Yun; Kim, Min Hyeong; Oh, Yong Suk; Jung, Soo Ho; Jung, Jae Hee; Sung, Hyung Jin; Lee, Hyung Woo; Lee, Hye Moon, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS INTERFACES, v.9, no.2, pp.1770 - 1780, 2017-01

Soft Nanocomposite Based Multi-point, Multi-directional Strain Mapping Sensor Using Anisotropic Electrical Impedance Tomography

Lee, Hyosang; Kwon, Donguk; Cho, Haedo; Park, Inkyu; Kim, Jung, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v.7, 2017-01

Stable Wettability Control of Nanoporous Microstructures by iCVD Coating of Carbon Nanotubes

Sojoudi, Hossein; Kim, Sanha; Zhao, Hangbo; Annavarapu, Rama Kishore; Mariappan, Dhanushkodi; Hart, A. John; McKinley, Gareth H.; Gleason, Karen K., ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v.9, no.49, pp.43287 - 43299, 2017-12

Synthesis of colloidal plasmonic microspheres via spontaneous formation and three-dimensional assembly of metal nanoparticles

Park, Hyojin; Whang, Keumrai; Shin, Yonghee; Lee, Jungchul; Kang, Taewook, KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v.34, no.7, pp.2086 - 2091, 2017-07

Highly Controlled Nanoporous Ag Electrode by Vaporization Control of 2-Ethoxyethanol for a Flexible Supercapacitor Application

Lee, Jinwoo; Lee, Jaehak; Kwon, Jinhyeong; Lee, Habeom; Eom, Hyeonjin; Yoon, Yeosang; Ha, Inho; Yang, Minyang; Ko, Seung Hwan, LANGMUIR, v.33, no.8, pp.1854 - 1860, 2017-02

Effect of anisotropic thermo-elastic properties of woven-fabric laminates on diagonal warpage of thin package substrates

Lee, Tae-Ik; Kim, Cheolgyu; Pyo, Jae-Bum; Kim, Min Sung; Kim, Taek-Soo, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, v.176, pp.973 - 981, 2017-09

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