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Results 1-10 of 23 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).

NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
Estimation on structural availability of slender beam's yield strength, using structural failure model based on the Poisson approximation

Choung, Choungho; Chang, Daejun, OCEAN ENGINEERING, v.149, pp.409 - 422, 2018-02

User-assisted integrated method for controlling level of detail of large-scale B-rep assembly models

Kwon, Soonjo; Kim, Byung Chul; Mun, Duhwan; Han, Soonhung, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING, v.31, no.9, pp.881 - 892, 2018-09

A master manipulator with a remote-center-of-motion kinematic structure for a minimally invasive robotic surgical system

Lee, Hyunyoung; Cheon, Byungsik; Hwang, Minho; Kang, Dong-Hoon; Kwon, Dong-Soo, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER ASSISTED SURGERY, v.14, no.1, 2018-02

A passively adaptive variable-radius pulley for a tendon-driven robotic joint

Park, Jihyuk; Kim, Ji-Chul; Nguyen, Chanh D. Tr; Kim, Kyung-Soo; Kim, Soohyun, MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY, v.128, pp.110 - 124, 2018-10

Integrated reaction and separation in a continuous middle vessel column for enhancing indirect hydration of cyclohexene to cyclohexanol

Lee, Sanghyuk; Choi, Wonyeong; Kim, Kyungjun; Chang, Daejun; Lee, Jae Woo, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING, v.123, pp.249 - 257, 2018-01

Topology optimization of deformable bodies with dissimilar interfaces

Jeong, Gil-Eon; Youn, Sung-Kie; Park, K. C., COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES, v.198, pp.1 - +, 2018-03

Numerical and experimental study of a plate-stiffened prismatic pressure vessel

Choi, Youn Seok; Ahn, Junkeon; You, Hwalong; Jo, Choonghee; Cho, Younghee; Noh, Yeelyong; Chang, Daejun; Chung, Hyun; Bergan, Pal G., OCEAN ENGINEERING, v.164, pp.367 - 376, 2018-09

Microstructural topology optimization of viscoelastic materials of damped structures subjected to dynamic loads

Yun, Kyeong-Soo; Youn, Sung-Kie, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES, v.147, pp.67 - 79, 2018-08

Exhaust Pressure Estimation for Diesel Engines Equipped with Dual-Loop EGR and VGT

Kim, Sooyoung; Jin, Hyo Min; Choi, Seibum B, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, v.26, no.2, pp.382 - 392, 2018-03

Efficient three-dimensional topology optimization of heat sinks in natural convection using the shape-dependent convection model

Joo, Younghwan; Lee, Ikjin; Kim, Sung Jin, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, v.127, pp.32 - 40, 2018-12

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