Results 1-10 of 235 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
NO | Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date) |
Adhesion strength of glass/epoxy composite embedded with heat-treated carbon black on the surface Park, Sang Wook; Lee, Dai Gil, COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING, v.41, no.11, pp.1597 - 1604, 2010-11 | |
Strength of Double Lap Joints Bonded With Carbon Black Reinforced Adhesive Under Cryogenic Environment Park, Sang Wook; Lee, Dai Gil, JOURNAL OF ADHESION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v.23, no.4, pp.619 - 638, 2009 | |
Development of a spherical bearing with uni-directional carbon/epoxy composite Kim, BC; Lee, Dai Gil, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, v.89, no.1, pp.102 - 109, 2009-06 | |
The design of an optical sensor arrangement for the detection of oil contamination in an adhesively bonded structure of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) ship Kim, BG; Lee, Dai Gil, MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, v.20, no.6, 2009-06 | |
Composite sandwich constructions for absorbing the electromagnetic waves Kim, PC; Lee, Dai Gil, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, v.87, no.2, pp.161 - 167, 2009-01 | |
Polarization characteristics of a composite stealth radome with a frequency selective surface composed of dipole elements Kim, Po Chul; Lee, Dai Gil; Lim, Won-Gyu; Seo, Il Sung, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, v.90, no.2, pp.242 - 246, 2009-09 | |
Piezoelectric monitoring of the reliability of adhesive joints Kwon, JW; Chin, WS; Lee, Dai Gil, JOURNAL OF ADHESION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v.17, no.6, pp.777 - 796, 2003 | |
Micro-drilling of alumina green bodies with diamond grit abrasive micro-drills Lee, Dai Gil; Lee, HG; Kim, PJ; Bang, KG, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE TOOLS & MANUFACTURE, v.43, no.6, pp.551 - 558, 2003-05 | |
Smart cure cycle with cooling and reheating for co-cure bonded steel/carbon epoxy composite hybrid structures for reducing thermal residual stress Kim, Hak Sung; Park, Sang Wook; Lee, Dai Gil, COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING, v.37, no.10, pp.1708 - 1721, 2006 | |
Radar absorbing sandwich construction composed of CNT, PMI foam and carbon/epoxy composite Choi, Ilbeom; Kim, Jin Gyu; Seo, Il Sung; Lee, Dai Gil, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, v.94, no.9, pp.3002 - 3008, 2012-09 |