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Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
Convergence of Hermite and Hermite-Fejer interpolation of higher order for Freud weights

Damelin, SB; Jung, HS; Kwon, Kil Hyun, JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATION THEORY, v.113, no.1, pp.21 - 58, 2001-11

Necessary conditions for weighted mean convergence of Lagrange interpolation for exponential weights

Damelin, SB; Jung, HS; Kwon, Kil Hyun, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, v.132, no.2, pp.357 - 369, 2001-07

Mean convergence of Hermite-Fejer and Hermite interpolation for Freud weights

Jung, HS; Kwon, Kil Hyun, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, v.99, no.1-2, pp.219 - 238, 1998-11

Mean convergence of extended Lagrange interpolation for exponential weights

Damelin, SB; Jung, HS; Kwon, Kil Hyun, ACTA APPLICANDAE MATHEMATICAE, v.76, pp.17 - 36, 2003-03

Weighted L-2 inequalities for classical and semiclassical weights

Jung, HS; Kwon, Kil Hyun; Lee, DW, JOURNAL OF INEQUALITIES AND APPLICATIONS, v.1, no.2, pp.171 - 181, 1997

Convergence of a quadrature formula for variable-signed weight functions

Jung, HS; Kwon, Kil Hyun, BULLETIN OF THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, v.57, no.2, pp.275 - 288, 1998-04

A note on mean convergence of Lagrange interpolation in L-p (0 < p <= 1)

Damelin, SB; Jung, HS; Kwon, Kil Hyun, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, v.133, no.1-2, pp.277 - 282, 2001-08

On mean convergence of Hermite-Fejer and Hermite interpolation for Erdos weights

Damelin, SB; Jung, HS; Kwon, Kil Hyun, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, v.137, no.1, pp.71 - 76, 2001-12

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