Results 1-10 of 52 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
NO | Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date) |
Proof of Komlos's conjecture on Hamiltonian subsets Kim, Jaehoon; Liu, Hong; Sharifzadeh, Maryam; Staden, Katherine, PROCEEDINGS OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, v.115, pp.974 - 1013, 2017-11 | |
Regular subgraphs of uniform hypergraphs Kim, Jaehoon, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B, v.119, pp.214 - 236, 2016-07 | |
Ramsey-minimal saturation numbers for matchings Ferrara, Michael; Kim, Jaehoon; Yeager, Elyse, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, v.322, pp.26 - 30, 2014-05 | |
Dynamic choosability of triangle-free graphs and sparse random graphs Kim, Jaehoon; Ok, Seongmin, JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY, v.87, no.3, pp.347 - 355, 2018-03 | |
Strong edge-colorings of sparse graphs with large maximum degree Choi, Ilkyoo; Kim, Jaehoon; Kostochka, Alexandr V.; Raspaud, Andre, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS, v.67, pp.21 - 39, 2018-01 | |
Improper coloring of sparse graphs with a given girth, I: (0,1)-colorings of triangle-free graphs Kim, Jaehoon; Kostochka, Alexandr; Zhu, Xuding, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS, v.42, pp.26 - 48, 2014-11 | |
BIPARTITIONS OF HIGHLY CONNECTED TOURNAMENTS Kim, Jaehoon; Kuhn, Daniela; Osthus, Deryk, SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, v.30, no.2, pp.895 - 911, 2016 | |
Forbidding induced even cycles in a graph: Typical structure and counting Kim, Jaehoon; Kuehn, Daniela; Osthus, Deryk; Townsend, Timothy, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B, v.131, pp.170 - 219, 2018-07 | |
Improper Coloring of Sparse Graphs with a Given Girth, II: Constructions Kim, Jaehoon; Kostochka, Alexandr; Zhu, Xuding, JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY, v.81, no.4, pp.403 - 413, 2016-04 | |
On r-dynamic coloring of graphs Jahanbekam, Sogol; Kim, Jaehoon; Suil, O.; West, Douglas B., DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS, v.206, pp.65 - 72, 2016-06 |