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Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
Resilient degree sequences with respect to Hamilton cycles and matchings in random graphs

Condon, Padraig; Diaz, Alberto Espuny; Kuhn, Daniela; Osthus, Deryk; Kim, Jaehoon, ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS, v.26, no.4, pp.1 - 22, 2019-12

Asymptotic Structure for the Clique Density Theorem

Kim, Jaehoon; Liu, Hong; Pikhurko, Oleg; Sharifzadeh, Maryam, DISCRETE ANALYSIS, v.2020, no.19, pp.1 - 26, 2020-12

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