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NO | Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date) |
Weierstrass points on certain modular groups Im, Bo-Hae; Jeon, Daeyeol; Kim, Chang Heon, JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY, v.160, pp.586 - 602, 2016-03 | |
Normalizers of intermediate congruence subgroups of the Hecke subgroups Im, Bo-Hae; Jeon, Daeyeol; Kim, Chang Heon, OPEN MATHEMATICS, v.15, pp.787 - 799, 2017-06 | |
Notes on Weierstrass Points of Modular Curves X-0(N) Im, Bo-Hae; Jeon, Daeyeol; Kim, Chnag Heon, TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, v.20, no.6, pp.1275 - 1293, 2016-12 |