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Results 61-66 of 66 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
Bootstrap-Based Test for Volatility Shifts in GARCH against Long-Range Dependence

Wang, Yu; Park, Cheolwoo; Lee, Taewook, COMMUNICATIONS FOR STATISTICAL APPLICATIONS AND METHODS, v.22, no.5, pp.495 - 506, 2015-09

Quantile estimation for encrypted data

Park, Minje; Kim, Jaeseon; Shin, Sungchul; Park, Cheolwoo; Jeon, Jong-June; Kwon, SoonSun; Choi, Hosik, APPLIED INTELLIGENCE, v.53, no.21, pp.24782 - 24791, 2023-11

A Deep Learning Paradigm for Medical Imaging Data

Chen, Jinyang; Park, Cheolwoo, Expert Systems with Applications, v.255, 2024-12

Federal Impacts on Buprenorphine Prescribing in Washington State, 2012 to 2022

Xiong, Fan; Jetson, Jillian; Park, Cheolwoo; Delcher, Chris, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, v.114, no.7, pp.1 - 9, 2024-07

Sparse multiway canonical correlation analysis for multimodal stroke recovery data

Das, Subham; West, Franklin D.; Park, Cheolwoo, BIOMETRICAL JOURNAL, v.66, no.2, 2024-03

Differentially Private Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Continuous Variables

Kwak, Seung Woo; Ahn, Jeongyoun; Lee, Jaewoo; Park, Cheolwoo, ECONOMETRICS AND STATISTICS, v.31, pp.81 - 99, 2024-07

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