Results 51-52 of 52 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
NO | Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date) |
Conflict-free hypergraph matchings Glock, Stefan; Joos, Felix; Kim, Jaehoon; Kühn, Marcus; Lichev, Lyuben, JOURNAL OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY-SECOND SERIES, v.109, no.5, 2024-05 | |
On the spectral radius of graphs with given maximum degree and girth Ai, Jiangdong; Im, Seonghyuk; Kim, Jaehoon; Lee, Hyunwoo; O, Suil; Zhang, Liwen, LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS, v.691, pp.182 - 195, 2024-06 |