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Results 1-10 of 16 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
Damage Diagnosis for Civil Structural Components Using Wireless Impedance Sensor Nodes

Yun, Chung Bang, The Proceedings of the KSCE Conference, 2009-10

Implementation of Wireless Monitoring Systems for Modal Analysis of Bridges along a Korean Test Road

Yun, Chung Bang, 2009 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, 2009-06-22

Development and Application of a Low-cost Automated Wireless Tension Estimation System for Cable Structures

Yun, Chung Bang, The 10th International Conference On Structural Safety and Reliability(ICOSSAR), 2009-09

Wireless Guided Wave Generation Using PZT and Optoelectronic Devices

Yun, Chung Bang, The 5th Annual Workshop of the Asian-Pacific Network of Centers for Research in Smart Structure Technology (ANCRiSST), 2009-07-29

Smart Piezo-Sensing for Ubiquitous Structural Health Monitoring

Yun, Chung Bang, Int’l Symposium on Development of IT-Construction Convergence Technology, 2009-05-25

Wireless sensor self-diagnosis for piezoelectric actuating/sensing networks

Park, S; Park, SK; Shin, HH; Yun, Chung Bang, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2009, v.7292, no.PART 1, 2009-03-09

Damage detection algorithm-embedded smart sensor node system for bridge structural health monitoring

Park, JH; Ho, DD; Kim, JT; Ryu, YS; Yun, Chung Bang, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2009, v.7292, no.PART 1, 2009-03-09

Cable-stayed Bridge Test-bed for Long-term Structural Health Monitoring Using Smart Wireless Sensor Network

Jung, Hyung-Jo; Yun, Chung Bang, The 1st International Conference on Computational Design in Engineering (CODE), 2009-11-03

Development of Wireless Sensor Nodes for Impedance-based Structural Health Monitoring

Yun, Chung Bang, The Proceedings of the Fifth Int’l Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST), 2009-07-29

Development of a Wireless Impedance Sensor Node for Structural Health Monitoring

Yun, Chung Bang, The Proceedings of the KSSC Conference, 2009-05

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