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Results 1-10 of 25 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
The Geumdang Bridge: a Testbed Structure for International Collaborative Research on SHM

Yun, Chung Bang; Koo, Ki Young; Hong, Joon Young; Park, Seunghee, The US-Korea Workshop and International Student Forum on Bio-Inspired Sensor Technology and Infra-Structure Monitoring, 2008-05

The Geumdang Bridge: a Testbed Structure for International Collaborative Research on SHM

Yun, Chung Bang; Koo, Ki Young; Hong, Joon Young; Park, Seunghee, The fourth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety, and Management, 2008-07-13

Temperature Effect Free Impedance-based Structural Health Monitoring Using Principal Component Analysis

Yun, Chung Bang; Koo, Ki Young; Park, Seung-Hee; Lee, Jong-Jae, Proceeding of the IMAC XXVI Conference, 2008-04-05

Wireless sensing and embedded monitoring algorithm for damage diagnosis in PSC girders

Park, JH; Hong, DS; Kim, JT; Koo, Ki Young; Yun, Chung Bang; Park, G, 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems - Emboding Intelligence in Structures and Integrated Systems, CIMTEC 2008, pp.420 - 425, 2008-06-08

Energy Harvesters for Self-Powered Wireless Impedance Sensor Nodes

Yun, Chung Bang, The Twenty-First KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, 2008-10-27

Remotely controllable structural health monitoring systems for bridges using 3.5 generation mobile telecommunication technology

Koo, Ki Young; Hong, Joon Young; Park, Hyun-Jun; Yun, Chung Bang, 4th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, IABMAS'08, pp.646 -, 2008-07-13

Active piezoelectric sensor nodes and sensor self-diagnosis for structural health monitoring

Park, S; Yun, Chung Bang; Park, G; Inman, DJ, 4th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, IABMAS'08, pp.533 -, 2008-07-13

Estimation of deflections of bridge by two-step model updating approach based on ambient acceleration measurements

Cho, S; Yi, JH; Yun, Chung Bang, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, 2008, 2008-03-10

Removing Temperature Effects from Impedance-based Damage Detection Technique Using Principal Component Analysis

Yun, Chung Bang; Koo, Ki Young; Park, Seunghee; Lee, Jong-Jae, Proceedings of IMAC XXVI Conference & Exposition, 2008-02

Fuzzy Logic Applied to Damage Characterization through SHM Techniques

Yun, Chung Bang; Moura, JRV; Park, JrS; Steffen, V; Inman, DJ, Proceedings of IMAC XXVI Conference & Exposition, 2008-02

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