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Results 1-10 of 15 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
Modal Parameter Identification Methods without Input Information: A Comparative Study

Yun, Chung Bang; Lee, JH; Lee, JJ; Kim, JD, International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2000-01-01

Modal Parameter Identification Methods without Input Information: A Comparative Study

Yun, Chung Bang; Yi, JH; Lee, JJ, Japan-Korea Workshop on Nonlinear System Identification and Structural Health Monitoring, v.0, no.0, pp.181 - 187, 2001-01-01

Damage Estimation Method fir Bridges Using vibration Data

Lee, JJ; Yun, Chung Bang; Lee, JW; Koo, KY; Jung, HY, Structural Engineers World Congress, v.0, no.0, pp.0 - 0, SEWC, 2002-08-01

Damage detection for bridges considering modeling errors

Lee, JJ; Lee, JW; Yun, Chung Bang, COSEIK Symposium, v.0, no.0, pp.0 - 0, china-japan-korea symposium, 2002-04-01

Neural Networks-Based Damage Detection for Bridges Considering Errors in Baseline Finite Element Model

Yun, Chung Bang; Lee, JJ, The 1st Int'l WS on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, v.0, no.0, pp.0 - 0, ASMSST, 2004-01-01

Neural networks-based damage detection for bridges considering errors in baseline finite element models

Yun, Chung Bang; Lee, JJ; Lee, JW; Kim, JD, CE2003, pp.0 - 0, CE2003, 2003-08-01

Damage detection in beam-like structures using deflections obtained by modal flexibility matrices

Koo, KY; Yun, Chung Bang; Lee, JJ; Hong, DS; Kim, JT, World Forum on Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, SMSST 07, pp.481 -, 2007-05-22

Impedance-based structural health monitoring considering temperature effects

Koo, KY; Park, S; Lee, JJ; Yun, Chung Bang; Inman, DJ, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2007, pp.0 - 0, 2007-03-19

Remotely controllable SHM system for a concrete box-girder bridge

Lee, JJ; Koo, Ki Young; Hong, Joon Young; Yun, Chung Bang, 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems - Emboding Intelligence in Structures and Integrated Systems, CIMTEC 2008, pp.339 - 344, 2008-06-08

Structural health monitoring of bridges using effective two-step identification approaches

Lee, JJ; Koo, KY; Yun, Chung Bang, Smart Structures and Materials 2005 - Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, v.5765, pp.970 - 981, 2005-03-07

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