Caesary, Desy; Kim, Hanaresearcher; Nam, Myung Jin, APPLIED ENERGY, v.377, 2025-01
Bansak, Cynthia; Kim, Jun Hyungresearcher, JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, v.39, no.7, pp.1245 - 1259, 2024-11
Park, Jiyoungresearcher; Zhu, Yiyi, Health Psychology, v.43, no.11, pp.791 - 802, 2024-11
Kim, Junsoo; Lee, Seung-Ookresearcher, GEOFORUM, v.155, 2024-10
Gopal, Ishita; Kim, Taegyoonresearcher; Nitheesha, Nakka; Boehmke, Frederick; Harden, Jeffrey; Desmarais, Bruce A., POLITICAL SCIENCE RESEARCH AND METHODS, 2024-10
Kim, Jun Hyungresearcher; Kim, Jin-Hwan; Lee, Jong Jae; Jang, Deok Hyun; Jang, Won Mo, SAGE OPEN, v.14, no.4, 2024-10
Ko, Dong-Hwanresearcher, 서울과 역사, v.118, pp.373 - 398, 2024-10
Lee, Joohee; Yang, Soeun; Zajchowski, Chris A. B.; Kim, Hanaresearcher, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN SCIENCES, v.28, no.4, pp.631 - 655, 2024-10
Kim, Hanaresearcher; Caesary, Desy; Jang, Jeong-wooresearcher; Mah, Daphne Ngar-yin, HELIYON, v.10, no.17, 2024-09
Yoo, Jae-Ho; Kim, Hanaresearcher, Energy & Environment, v.35, no.6, pp.2975 - 2990, 2024-09
여성 노인의 낙상 유무와 근감소증 관련요인 간 관련성 - 신체조성, 관절가동범위, 등속성 근력, 기능성 체력 중심으로 - 김석희, 코칭능력개발지, v.26, no.9, pp.191 - 200, 2024-09 |
Mortality Risk of Loneliness: Culture Matters Park, Jiyoung; Zhu, Yiyi, Health Psychology, v.43, no.11, pp.791 - 802, 2024-11 |
Self-concept in fairness and rule establishment during a competitive game: a computational approach Lee, Sang Ho; Kim, Sung-Phil; Cho, Yang Seok, FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, v.6, 2015-09 |
Control processes through the suppression of the automatic response activation triggered by task-irrelevant information in the Simon-type tasks Kim, Sanga; Lee, Sang Ho; Cho, Yang Seok, ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA, v.162, pp.51 - 61, 2015-11 |
Adaptive Design Optimization as a Promising Tool for Reliable and Efficient Computational Fingerprinting Kwon, Mina; Lee, Sang Ho; Ahn Woo-Young, BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY-COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE AND NEUROIMAGING, v.8, no.8, pp.798 - 804, 2023-08 |
거대언어모델을 활용한 설문조사의 현재와 한계 김란우, 한국사회학, v.58, no.3, pp.221 - 239, 2024-08 |
Implementation of an online spacing flanker task and evaluation of its test-retest reliability using measures of inhibitory control and the distribution of spatial attention Lee, Sang Ho; Pitt, Mark A., BEHAVIOR RESEARCH METHODS, v.56, no.6, pp.5947 - 5958, 2024-09 |
Medical marijuana legalization and parenting behaviors: An analysis of the time use of parents Bansak, Cynthia; Kim, Jun Hyung, JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, v.39, no.7, pp.1245 - 1259, 2024-11 |
Angry leaders and coworkers: Cross-cultural evaluation of anger expression through high-status and equal-status roles Hong, Seoungbeom; Moon, Rosemary Hyejin; Chang, Jae Yoon; Choi, Jin Nam; Park, Jiyoung, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, v.24, no.2, pp.235 - 257, 2024-08 |
Bridging the Gap Between Self-Report and Behavioral Laboratory Measures: A Real-Time Driving Task With Inverse Reinforcement Learning Lee, Sang Ho; Song, Myeong Seop; Oh, Min-hwan; Ahn, Woo-Young, PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE, v.35, no.4, pp.345 - 357, 2024-04 |
한국 최초 신문연재만화 「멍텅구리」의 서사 구조와 문화사적 의미 연구 장우리; 김병준; 전봉관, 인문콘텐츠, no.74, pp.231 - 263, 2024-09 |
동대문지역 공간의 시대적 변천 Ko, Dong-Hwan, 서울과 역사, v.118, pp.373 - 398, 2024-10 |
Association Between COVID-19 Risk Perceptions and Economic Expectations During the Pandemic in South Korea Kim, Jun Hyung; Kim, Jin-Hwan; Lee, Jong Jae; Jang, Deok Hyun; Jang, Won Mo, SAGE OPEN, v.14, no.4, 2024-10 |
여성 노인의 연령에 따른 근감소증 요인 비교 김석희, 기술경영, v.9, no.3, pp.1 - 16, 2024-09 |
노인의 은퇴 전 직종이 신체조성과 체력에 미치는 영향 - 인구사회학적 특성을 중심으로 - 김석희; 하지철, 코칭능력개발지, v.26, no.7, pp.124 - 132, 2024-07 |
Re:SPect: Enabling Active and Scalable Responses to Networked Online Harassment Kim, Haesoo; Lee, Juhoon; Jang, Jeong-woo; Kim, Juho, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, v.8, no.CSCW1, 2024-04 |
A persistent gender pay gap among faculty in a public university system Kim, Lanu; Hofstra, Bas; Galvez, Sebastian Munoz-Najar, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v.14, no.1, 2024-09 |
CRAYON: Exploration on Community-based Relayed Online Education Approach for Rural Children in South Korean EFL Context Kim, Seong Hoon; Lee, Hyunjong; Kang, Seongwoong; Goh, Michelle; Kim, Wonjung; Lee, Seungchul; Park, Souneil; et al, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, v.8, no.CSCW1, 2024-04 |
음악 청취 시 정서적 특성에 따른 심박수 변화 한지윤; 강수진; 문정환; 이경면; 우지환, Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea, v.43, no.5, pp.536 - 546, 2024-09 |
The national network of US state legislators on Twitter Gopal, Ishita; Kim, Taegyoon; Nitheesha, Nakka; Boehmke, Frederick; Harden, Jeffrey; Desmarais, Bruce A., POLITICAL SCIENCE RESEARCH AND METHODS, 2024-10 |