HSS-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 674

전후 일본의 소주택과 '작음'의 담론

조현정, 일본비평 워크숍, 서울대학교 일본학 연구소, 2018-11-02

EMI at Korean science and engineering schools and improving students’ English ability

Kim, EunGyong, 5th International Conference on ESP/EAP/EMI in the Context of Internationalization of Higher Education, National University of Science and Technology MSIS, 2018-11-07

노년층의 정신건강을 위한 온라인 소셜 회고록 디자인 연구

이세연; 시정곤; 도영임, 2018 한국발달심리학회 학술대회, 한국발달심리학회, 2018-11-10

1960-70년대 한국사 개설서의 상업사서술과 상업사연구

고동환, 한국사연구회 창립50주년기념 공동학술대회, pp.65 - 78, 한국사연구회, 2018-11-17

남북교류확대와 동아시아 지정-지경학

박배균; 이승욱; 지상현, 2018 대한민국 균형발전 정책박람회, 균형발전위원회, 2018-09-07

Geopolitical Economy of the US Military in South Korea

Lee, Seung-Ook, Koreans and Camptowns: Adoption and Camptown Connections, Seoul National University Asia Center, 2018-09-10

음악: 청각 인지훈련으로의 즐거운 초대

이경면, 대한이과학회 학술대회, 대한이과학회, 2016-04-02

Subcortical encoding of complex sounds

이경면, 대한청각학회 학술대회, 대한청각학회, 2016-05-21

연주자의 뇌: 음악 훈련이 가져오는 뇌의 변화

이경면, 한국피아노교수법학회 학술대회, 한국피아노교수법학회, 2016-06-11

Does preliminary listening influence sight-reading performance?

Lim, Yeoeun; Rhyu, Seung-yeon; Lee, Kyung Myun; Lee, Kyogu; Park, Jongwha; Yi, Suk Won, International Society for Music Perception and Cognition, Society for Music Perception and Cognition, 2016-07-06

Working memory systems: why is it important in listening?

이경면, Samsung International Symposium on Hearing Aids, Sungkyunkwan University Schoo of Medicine, 2016-09-24

Subcortical and cortical responses to musical sounds

이경면, 서울대학교 청각평형교육센터 심포지엄, 서울대학교 의과대학 청각평형교육센터, 2016-10-08

Subcortical processing of musical sounds

Lee, Kyung Myun, Sweden Korea Collaborative Symposium on Auditory processing in the mammalian brain, KAIST 바이오융합연구소, 2018-05-09

Effects of meter on brainstem and cortical encoding of sound

Lee, Kyung Myun; Kang, Sujin, International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Centre for Systematic Musicology, University of Graz, 2018-07-27

English-medium instruction (EMI) policies of Korean engineering schools: what has been and what should be

Kim, EunGyong; Kim JeongYeon; Kweon, SuOk, Sociolinguistics Symposium 22, Sociolinguistics Symposium, 2018-06-29

Korean engineering students' and professors' attitudes toward English-medium instruction (EMI) policies

Kim, EunGyong, Sociolinguistics Symposium 22, Sociolinguistics Symposium, 2018-06-30

EMI-related support for Korean engineering students and professors

Kim, EunGyong, The 5th International Language in Focus (LIF) Conference, pp.79, Cukurova University-Turkey & The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College-Greece, 2018-05-03

기조강연: 젠더와 테크놀로지 연구의 새로운 지평

윤정로, 한국여성학회 추계학술대회, pp.1 - 7, 한국여성학회, 2016-11-19

Innovations in Korea: Reflections and Prospects

윤정로, KAIST-AUSN International Workshop on Ethical Pomicy, Science and Technology, KAIST 과학기술정책대학원, 2017-10-31

한국 최초의 여성 사회학자, 고황경

윤정로, 2017 한국사회학회 정기사회학대회, pp.333, 한국사회학회, 2017-12-15

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