H. Jo; H. Kim; B. Lee; Park, Kwangwooresearcher, 2013 한국재무학회 추계학술대회, v., no., pp. -, 2013-11-22
Byun, Suk Joonresearcher; Kim, Jun Sik, 2013 FMA Annual Meeting, v., no., pp. -, 2013-10-17
Kim, Hyungtae; Kwak, Byungjinresearcher; Suk, Inho, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, v., no., pp. -, 2013-08-06
H. Jo; H. Kim; B. Lee; Park, Kwangwooresearcher, MFS Conference 20th Annual Conference, v., no., pp. -, 2013-07-02
H. Jo; H. Kim; Park, Kwangwooresearcher, 2013년 재무금융 관련 5개 학회 학술연구발표회 및 특별심포지엄, v., no., pp. -, 2013-05-31
Kim, Jinyongresearcher; Jaewon Choi, NYU Economics Alumni Conference, v., no., pp. -, 2013-05-31
김영만; 한인구researcher, 제1회 한국통신학회 통신마케팅 학술대회, v., no., pp. -, 2011-08-04
Lee, Jaywonresearcher, 33rd European Accounting AssociationAnnual Congress , v., no., pp.1 - 56, 2010-05
윤주영; 김동석researcher, 경영관련학회 통합학술대회, v., no., pp. -, 2010
Lee, Jaywonresearcher, 2010 American Accounting AssociationAnnual Meeting, v., no., pp.1 - 45, 2010
Environment Costs and Firm Performance in the Financial Services Industry H. Jo; H. Kim; Park, Kwangwoo, 2013년 재무금융 관련 5개 학회 학술연구발표회 및 특별심포지엄, 한구재무학회, 2013-05-31 |
Another perspective on the cross-sectional tests of asset pricing models Kim, Jinyong; Jaewon Choi, NYU Economics Alumni Conference, NYU, 2013-05-31 |
Environment Cost and Firm Performance around the World H. Jo; H. Kim; B. Lee; Park, Kwangwoo, MFS Conference 20th Annual Conference, MFS, 2013-07-02 |
Does Equity-Based Compensation of Audit Committee Deter or Trigger Earnings Managment? New Evidence Kim, Hyungtae; Kwak, Byungjin; Suk, Inho, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association, 2013-08-06 |
Improving the predictability of stock market returns with the growth of options open interest Byun, Suk Joon; Kim, Jun Sik, 2013 FMA Annual Meeting, Financial Management Association, 2013-10-17 |
Environment Costs and Firm Performance around the World H. Jo; H. Kim; B. Lee; Park, Kwangwoo, 2013 한국재무학회 추계학술대회, 한국재무학회, 2013-11-22 |
Differing Effects of Firm Size and Industry Membership on Firm Profitability Lee, Jaywon, 33rd European Accounting AssociationAnnual Congress , pp.1 - 56, European Accounting Association, 2010-05 |
The Effect of Changes in Index Constitution : Evidence from the Korean Stock Market 윤주영; 김동석, 경영관련학회 통합학술대회, 2010 |
Finance Comittee and Cost of Capital Lee, Jaywon, 2010 American Accounting AssociationAnnual Meeting, pp.1 - 45, American Accounting Association, 2010 |
An empirical study on the price effect of large order imbalance Kang, Jangkoo, 재무학회 정기학술대회, 재무학회, 2007-11-01 |
The Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley on the Accounting Quality of Firms Cross-listed in the U.S. versus the U.K. Lee, Jaywon, American Accounting Association 2009 Annual Meeting, pp.1 - 61, American Accounting Association, 2009-08 |
Publishing in Finance Journals: An Editor’s Perspective Webb, Robert I, 2009 China Finance Review International Conference, 2009 |
Lessons from the Financial Crisis Webb, Robert I, 2009 China Finance Review International Conference(Keynote Address), 2009 |
The Financial Crisis, Volatile Commodity Prices and Derivatives Regulation Webb, Robert I, Annual Seoul International Derivative Securities Conference, 2009 |
Does Spurious Mean Reversion in Basis Changes Still Exist After the Introduction of Exchange Traded Funds Webb, Robert I, City University of Hong Kong Finance Seminar, 2009 |
The Impact of the US Credit Crisis and the Restructuring in the Investment Banking Industry on the Korean Financial Markets Park, Kwangwoo, The 9th Harry S Truman Conference: Issues and Prospects for U.S. - Korea Relations and Cooperation, pp.1 - 47, 2009 |
취약계층 일자리 정책의 현실과 발전 방향: 사회적 기업을 중심으로 이재원, 사회정책학회 추계학술학회, pp.1 - 22, 사회정책학회, 2009 |
Trading behavior before the public release of analyst reports Jung, Kooyul, International Conference Asian Finance Association , Asian Finance Association, 2009 |
Closed-form upper bounds for the optimal exercise boundary of American put 변석준, 한국산업응용수학회 학술대회, 한국산업응용수학회, 2006 |
Analytic Approximations for Valuing Ratchet Caps in the LIBOR Market Model Byun, Suk Joon, Asian Finance Association conference, 2004 |