Adopting free and open source software (FOSS) in Nepal

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Over the last few years FOSS has matured and become more widely accepted worldwide establishing itself as an alternative to commercial proprietary software. There are many reasons why public/private organizations are widely adopting FOSS. The widespread availability of source code and the low cost of the software have been a boon. Besides, there are many benefits of FOSS like Security, Reliability/Stability, Open Standards, Vendor Independence, Lesser reliance on imports, Capacity to develop local software, Localization, Cost Saving etc. over proprietary software. The government policies on the use of FOSS around the world can be categorized as Research, Mandates, Preferences and Advisory. As of August 2007 two hundred sixty eight open source policy initiatives are found all over the world. Of those 11.5% mandates the use of open source software, 35.5 % policies requires government entities to show a preference for open source software in acquisition decisions, 28% policies concern with the advisory use of open source and 25% policies initiates for the research on open source software. Nepal is yet to have official government policy on FOSS. It is still an option, and it is up to the individual government agencies whether to use proprietary software or FOSS. A case study of FOSS in South Korea can be an inspiration for Nepal as it demonstrates how FOSS can play an important part in empowering a community to bring it into the information and Internet age. For the implementation of FOSS strategy in Nepal, Korean proposition can be taken as a role model. The Government of Nepal should implement FOSS unless proprietary software is demonstrated to be significantly superior. An environment supportive of FOSS must be created, ensuring that existing legislation on copyright, patents, trademarks, etc. do not present barriers to FOSS utilization. FOSS policies should be integrated smoothly with broader e-Government policy and related strategies for the ICT sec...
Rho, Jae-Jeungresearcher노재정researcher
한국정보통신대학교 : 공학부,
Issue Date
392999/225023 / 020064626

학위논문(석사) - 한국정보통신대학교 : 공학부, 2008.2, [ x, 71 p. ]

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School of Engineering-Theses_Master(공학부 석사논문)
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