Online game security and secure electronic item trading protocol온라인게임 보안과 아이템의 안전한 전자거래 프로토콜

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Almost of all online games have centralized server architecture, so game server might take a overload. For that reason, lots of problems such as delay and the server down are occurring. Therefore, online game developers have been conducting researches about distributed client model to disperse the server load. However, distributed client model has more security problems than centralized server model. In this thesis, we deeply analyze the security problems on online games and provide security solutions. Moreover, we separate game items from game server and propose a secure electronic trading system for the online game items to exchange them outside the game server. In the first part, we present classification of known attacks in online games and provide security solutions at each one. While previous works just presented attacks and solutions in case by case, we newly classify attacks by objectives and methods. Moreover, we present attacks in each of four layers: client, server, network, and environment. Through this systematic classification, solutions can be provided more efficiently even unknown future attacks. In the second part, we suggest a secure electronic trading system for online game items. This system makes up for the weak points in the current item trading system. We propose two models for online game item trade. One is the security corporation model and the other is real estate agency model. Moreover, we are able the game server to issue item certifications so that users can hold their own game items, do complete online trade, and exchange them between different games.
Cheon, Jung-Hee천정희
한국정보통신대학원대학교 : 전자상거래,
Issue Date
392200/225023 / 020013942

학위논문(석사) - 한국정보통신대학원대학교 : 전자상거래, 2003, [ ix, 53 p. ]


Cheating; Security; Online Game; Item; 교환; 아이템; 채팅; 보안; 온라인게임; Trading

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School of Management-Theses_Master(경영학부 석사논문)
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