(A) study on the evaluation of IS master plan using IS maturity measurement정보 성숙도를 고려한 정보시스템 계획 평가에 관한 연구

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dc.contributor.advisorHan, In-Goo-
dc.contributor.authorSeol, Jeung-Woong-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 테크노경영대학원, 1997.8, [ [ii], 65, [11] p. ]-
dc.description.abstractEffective IS strategic planning can help organizations understand the role and impact of these systems on the overall organizational strategy and use of IS to reach business goals. Although IS planning methodologies display face validity, their real validity and effectiveness has been empirically studied only to a limited extent. While researchers and consultants have highlighted the necessity to plan and have developed many planning models and methodologies, results from the field are far less encouraging. Furthermore, there is no concern about measuring maturity level of IS at present, so it is difficult to construct realizable IS Plan. It is necessary to measure maturity level of IS at present, and IS Planning under these consideration will lead to effective implementation and successful operation. This study focuses on evaluating the level of IS at present and measuring for the validity of IS master plan. In this case studies, this study found the needs to measure the level of present IS in their organization in IS master planning processes. First, without measuring IS maturity level, it is no use of planning IS in overall scope and in-depth analysis. Ideal IS plan which did not consider IS maturity level could not act as an appropriate infrastructure for developing IS. Secondly, many companies have analyzed the IS maturity level, but these activities are one-time process and did not reflect these results to IS planning process now. Annually measuring IS maturity can be a benchmark as IS evaluation criterion. Finally, the interviewed companies are in leading position, and have considerably sales volume, but there is no sourcing policies, IS architecture, and resource integration policies in Korean company. Many companies regard investment or improvement in quantitative aspect as critical decision criteria. Qualitative improvement and assessment are required to rationalize corporate information systems. In some cases, the concept of IS investment is qu...eng
dc.subjectISP evaluation-
dc.subjectInformation systems planning-
dc.subjectIS maturity measurement-
dc.subject정보시스템 성숙도 측정-
dc.subject정보시스템 계획 평가-
dc.subject정보시스템 계획-
dc.title(A) study on the evaluation of IS master plan using IS maturity measurement-
dc.title.alternative정보 성숙도를 고려한 정보시스템 계획 평가에 관한 연구-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 : 테크노경영대학원, -
dc.contributor.localauthorHan, In-Goo-
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