(A) study on information system priority assessment : alignment between information system and business strategy기업의 경영전략과 정보시스템 연계를 고려한 정보시스템 우선순위 평가 방법론에 관한 연구

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In order to formulate an effective information system investment plan of a company, it is important to recognize the priority of the company’s information systems and the characteristics of its business strategy. Different business strategy leads a company to different IS strategy, this article presents a method to reflect corporate business strategy for prioritizing and assessing different information systems. In discussing the alignment between information system and business strategy, the role of top management is critical for the firm’s IS success. This article also shows how the top management support affects the information system performance. A decision support model is proposed to prioritize information system strategy which reflect corporate business strategy plan. Top management who are responsible for business strategy can easily participate in the decision making process with the corporation of IS managers to achieve the goal of alignment of business strategy and information system. In the first part of the research, empirical validation of the proposed framework is provided through structural equation modeling. A path analytic model of the effect of top management support for information system performance is tested. The main objective is to prove direct and indirect relationships between top management support and IS performance through CIO’s role and IS and business process integration. The results provide support for the direct and indirect relationships between top management support and IS performance. The proposed decision support model is based on quality function deployment (QFD). The model incorporates corporate business strategy, information systems characteristics as rows and columns of QFD matrix. Business strategy profile is developed to compute the importance ratings of a firm’s Business Strategy. In addition, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to determine the intensity of the relationship between the row and column variabl...
Kim, Soung-Hieresearcher김성희researcher
한국과학기술원 : 경영공학전공,
Issue Date
310268/325007  / 020015225

학위논문(박사) - 한국과학기술원 : 경영공학전공, 2009.2, [ v, 70 p. ]


IS project selection; The Analytic Hierarchy Process; the Quality Function Deployment; 정보시스템 우선순위 평가; AHP; QFD

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