Analysis on the public acceptance of nuclear energy using structural equation model with latent variables잠재변수를 지닌 구조식 모형을 이용한 원자력에 대한 국민 수용성 분석

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dc.contributor.advisorLee, Byong-Whi-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Young-Eal-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 원자력공학과, 1996.2, [ vii, 67 p. ]-
dc.description.abstractComparison of the effect of education and public information on the public acceptance of nuclear energy is carried out. For the increase of public acceptance, the correct understanding on the nuclear energy via proper regular school education would be the first basis and the appropriate public information services by utility and unbiased mass media would be the second basis. Subjects that which is more effect in education or information and how much effective quantitatively to improve the public acceptance are derived. Structural Equation Model (SEM) with Latent Variables (LVs) in social science to public attitudes towards nuclear energy is developed. Questionnaire is conducted to respondents who took part in the program of visiting the nuclear power plant opended by OKAEA in 1995. As a result of the analysis, effect of education for correct awareness of nuclear energy is more sensitive to public acceptance than that of information. It is shown that the susceptibility in education factor in influence of radiation on human body and that in information factor persons consider nuclear power plant as an environmental polluter. It is concluded that radiation treatement should be a ``Hand on Experience`` and general principle of nuclear power generation should be contained in the educational text book. Education and information should not been independently performed but been carried out simultaneously and mutually aided. It is shown that this modeling approach is useful to make the decision for the long-term nuclear energy policy transparent and successful.eng
dc.subjectStructural Equation Model-
dc.subjectPublic Acceptance-
dc.subjectLatent Variables-
dc.subject구조식 모형-
dc.subject국민 수용성-
dc.titleAnalysis on the public acceptance of nuclear energy using structural equation model with latent variables-
dc.title.alternative잠재변수를 지닌 구조식 모형을 이용한 원자력에 대한 국민 수용성 분석-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 : 원자력공학과, -
dc.contributor.localauthorLee, Young-Eal-
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