Optimal replacement and inspection periods of safety and control boards in wolsung nuclear power plant unit 1월성 원전 1호기의 안전 및 제어계통의 회로기판들의 교체주기와 점검주기에 관한 연구

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dc.contributor.advisorSeong, Poong-Hyun-
dc.contributor.authorMok, Jin-Il-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 원자력공학과, 1993.8, [ x, 74 p. ]-
dc.description.abstractIn nuclear power plants, the safety and control systems are important for operating and maintaining safety of nuclear power plants. Due to the failure of the instrument and control devices of nuclear power plants caused by aging, nuclear power plants occasionally trip. Since the start of first commercial operation of Kori nuclear power plant (NPP) unit 1, the trips caused by instrument and control systems account for 28% of total trips of NPPs in Korea. Even a single trip of a nuclear power plant causes an extravagant economical loss and deteriorates public acceptance of nuclear power plants. Therefore, the replacement of the instrument and control devices with proper consideration of the aging effect is necessary in order to prevent the inadvertent trip. In this work we investigated the optimal replacement periods of the digital control computer``s (DCC) and the programmable digital comparator``s (PDC) electronic circuit boards of Wolsung nuclear power plant Unit 1. We first derived mathematical models which calculate optimal replacement periods for electronic circuit boards of digital control computer (DCC) and for those of the programmable digital comparator (PDC) in Wolsung NPP unit 1. And we analytically obtained the optimal replacement periods of electronic circuit boards by using these models. We compared these periods with the replacement periods currently used at Wolsung NPP Unit. The periods used at Wolsung is not based on mathematical analysis, but on empirical knowledge. As a consequence, the optimal replacement periods analytically obtained for the electronic circuit boards of DCC and those used in the field shown small difference ; the optimal replacement periods analytically obtained for the electronic circuit boards of PDC are shorter than those used in the field in general. The engineered safeguards of Wolsung nuclear power plant unit 1 contains redundant systems of 2-out-of-3 logic which are not operating under normal conditions but they...eng
dc.subject원자력 발전소.-
dc.titleOptimal replacement and inspection periods of safety and control boards in wolsung nuclear power plant unit 1-
dc.title.alternative월성 원전 1호기의 안전 및 제어계통의 회로기판들의 교체주기와 점검주기에 관한 연구-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 : 원자력공학과, -
dc.contributor.localauthorMok, Jin-Il-
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